பால்: 2 - பொருள்; இயல்: 09 - படையியல்; அதிகாரம்: 078 - படைச்செருக்கு
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 09 - Nature of Army; Chapter: 078 - Pride of Army
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 09 - Nature of Army; Chapter: 078 - Pride of Army
0771. என்னைமுன் நில்லன்மின் தெவ்விர் பலர்என்னை
முன்நின்று கல்நின் றவர்
Enemies! Stand not before my Leader;
Many who stood, stand as stone!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The pride of army is warning like “Oh Enemies! Do not resist
our leader and stand before him in battlefield! Many have stood before him, and become
praise in front of him! Many have backbite my father, and have lost life!”.
0772. கான முயல்எய்த அம்பினில் யானை
0773. பேராண்மை என்ப தறுகண்ஒன்று உற்றக்கால்
ஊராண்மை மற்றதன் எஃகு
Being merciless is vast-valor! And, being
helpful in distress, is spike of valor!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Being merciless in attacking the enemies, is called vast-valor!
And, helping the same enemies during their hardship; is called "Spike of Valor"!
same children during their failure, is called "Height of Upbringing"!
ஒட்டுஅன்றோ வன்க ணவர்க்கு
Isn't shame for warrior, if the watchful-eye
blink when the spear is thrown?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Is it not shame for a pride army; if the eye of a warrior, who is
watchful for the victory, blink even once when the enemy throws spear?
for the opportunity, failure even once when the situation gives pressure?
0777. சுழலும் இசைவேண்டி வேண்டா உயிரார்
கழல்யாப்புக் காரிகை நீர்த்து
Heroic-ring is marvelous, when it is with
those who prefer wide-fame than life
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The heroic ankle-ring gets ultimate beauty, when it is fastened to
the leg of a pride warrior; who do not even want his life for the sake of world-wide fame!
leader; who do not even maintain his self for the sake of nation-wide benefit!
முன்நின்று கல்நின் றவர்
Enemies! Stand not before my Leader;
Many who stood, stand as stone!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The pride of army is warning like “Oh Enemies! Do not resist
our leader and stand before him in battlefield! Many have stood before him, and become
The authority of daughter is talking bravely like “Oh Traitors! Do not backbite my father and praise in front of him! Many have backbite my father, and have lost life!”.
0772. கான முயல்எய்த அம்பினில் யானை
பிழைத்தவேல் ஏந்தல் இனிது
Spear that failed to kill elephant is greater
than the arrow that killed wild-rabbit
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Instead of the arrow that killed wild-rabbit, which fears on
seeing; it is great to hold the spear, which failed to kill elephant that counters the advancing
guard, who failed to conquer hero owning the rowdy gang!
Spear that failed to kill elephant is greater
than the arrow that killed wild-rabbit
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Instead of the arrow that killed wild-rabbit, which fears on
seeing; it is great to hold the spear, which failed to kill elephant that counters the advancing
Instead of the guard who capsized normal man, who fears on looking; it is better to have the guard, who failed to conquer hero owning the rowdy gang!
0773. பேராண்மை என்ப தறுகண்ஒன்று உற்றக்கால்
ஊராண்மை மற்றதன் எஃகு
Being merciless is vast-valor! And, being
helpful in distress, is spike of valor!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Being merciless in attacking the enemies, is called vast-valor!
And, helping the same enemies during their hardship; is called "Spike of Valor"!
Being unforgiving in growing the children, is called best upbringing! And, embracing the same children during their failure, is called "Height of Upbringing"!
0774. கைவேல் களிற்றோடு போக்கி வருபவன்
மெய்வேல் பறியா நகும்
Warrior, advancing after losing hand-spear with
elephant, smile and pluck spear on body
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: An armless warrior, who has repelled the elephant by throwing
the hand-spear; will happily pluck the spear that pierced on his chest, and advance with pride!
think about the money on savings, and sleep with peace!
0775. விழித்தகண் வேல்கொண்டி எறிய அழித்துஇமைப்பின்மெய்வேல் பறியா நகும்
Warrior, advancing after losing hand-spear with
elephant, smile and pluck spear on body
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: An armless warrior, who has repelled the elephant by throwing
the hand-spear; will happily pluck the spear that pierced on his chest, and advance with pride!
A cashless leader, who has completed the house expenses with the earned salary; will happily think about the money on savings, and sleep with peace!
ஒட்டுஅன்றோ வன்க ணவர்க்கு
Isn't shame for warrior, if the watchful-eye
blink when the spear is thrown?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Is it not shame for a pride army; if the eye of a warrior, who is
watchful for the victory, blink even once when the enemy throws spear?
Is it not national-crime for a discipline family; if the integrity of a member, who is waiting for the opportunity, failure even once when the situation gives pressure?
0776. விழுப்புண் படாதநாள் எல்லாம் வழுக்கினுள்
வைக்கும்தன் நாளை எடுத்து
Pride warriors count their lifetime and will
deduct all days without victory-wound
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The warriors who have pride, count their lifetime; and will
deduct all the days without victory-wound, by considering them as dead days!
ethical feelings, by considering them as criminal acts!
வைக்கும்தன் நாளை எடுத்து
Pride warriors count their lifetime and will
deduct all days without victory-wound
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The warriors who have pride, count their lifetime; and will
deduct all the days without victory-wound, by considering them as dead days!
The leaders who have self, assess their actions; and will eliminate all the actions without ethical feelings, by considering them as criminal acts!
0777. சுழலும் இசைவேண்டி வேண்டா உயிரார்
கழல்யாப்புக் காரிகை நீர்த்து
Heroic-ring is marvelous, when it is with
those who prefer wide-fame than life
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The heroic ankle-ring gets ultimate beauty, when it is fastened to
the leg of a pride warrior; who do not even want his life for the sake of world-wide fame!
The political party does democracy, when it grows under the supervision of a discipline leader; who do not even maintain his self for the sake of nation-wide benefit!
0778. உறின்உயிர் அஞ்சா மறவர் இறைவன்
செறினும்சீர் குன்றல் இலர்
Warrior who is fearless of life, during destruction;
won’t lose standard even if ruler angers
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Even if the ruler angrily stops, when destruction happens in war;
a pride warrior who do not fear for life, would not deviate from his special standard!
who have solidity to not be victim to ambience, would not change from his high quality!
செறினும்சீர் குன்றல் இலர்
Warrior who is fearless of life, during destruction;
won’t lose standard even if ruler angers
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Even if the ruler angrily stops, when destruction happens in war;
a pride warrior who do not fear for life, would not deviate from his special standard!
Even if the family member mess it up, when complication occurs in family; a family-head who have solidity to not be victim to ambience, would not change from his high quality!
0779. இழைத்தது இகவாமைச் சாவாரை யாரே
பிழைத்தது ஒறுக்கிற் பவர்
Can someone despise a warrior, who unerring
the vow but die, for mistake?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Can someone despise a pride warrior, who is capable of dying in
war to save the pronounced vow, for doing a mistake?
given promise, for doing a term delay?
பிழைத்தது ஒறுக்கிற் பவர்
Can someone despise a warrior, who unerring
the vow but die, for mistake?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Can someone despise a pride warrior, who is capable of dying in
war to save the pronounced vow, for doing a mistake?
Can someone criticize an intense leader, who is capable of losing in election to fulfill the given promise, for doing a term delay?
0780. புரந்தார்கண் நீர்மல்கச் சாகிற்பின் சாக்காடு
இரந்துகோள் தக்கது உடைத்து
If death fill tear in ruler's eye, that death
is worth obtaining by beg
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the death of a pride soldier, fill tears in the eyes of ruler; that
death has the glory to be obtained even by begging!
retirement has the fame to be achieved by losing anything!
இரந்துகோள் தக்கது உடைத்து
If death fill tear in ruler's eye, that death
is worth obtaining by beg
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the death of a pride soldier, fill tears in the eyes of ruler; that
death has the glory to be obtained even by begging!
If the retirement of an efficient employee, distract the attention of the employer; that retirement has the fame to be achieved by losing anything!
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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