Sunday, 8 March 2015

What is Human-Interaction?

      As mentioned in the Introduction to kick-starting this English Blog, the photo given above is the one that I have received in one of my Whatsapp groups. I could have debated this write-up there but I wanted to post it up as a write-up in my Tamil Blog and then share the link there. I think that it was a wise decision as it has realised my long term planning of writing a blog in English. Well, let us come to the topic. As mentioned in the photo above, there is no doubt that people nowadays are more into their smart-phones than talking (underline "talking") with whom they are with; in fact, we ourselves should have done it, at least once! I accept that it is happening; but, I do not accept that it is what the speculated Einstein's quote "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The word will have a generation of idiots" actually reflects. 

        As this is my first post, I have sent the first draft to my friend for proof-correction. He has asked me verify if this was actually quoted by Einstein. What a surprise? When I googled it, I came to know that it is one of 7 famous "Fake" quotes. You can find more information on this in google. That is the reason I mentioned it as a "speculated" Einstein's quote in the above paragraph. Anyway, I still wanted to publish this write-up and exchange my thought-process with you all. In the first place, I could never accept the get-togethers or meetings with friends/known circles/any relationship as a "Human Interaction". If speaking/communicating with the persons around one is described as "Human Interation"; then what those in the above photo do using the technology (with others) should also be called as Human-interaction; isn't it? 

      Just because they are communicating through Whatsapp/Facebook using their smart-phones (technology), we cannot say that human-interaction is surpassed. Imagine one of the groups in the photo is working for the same company/organisation in the same department/section and at essentially same level. Now, please tell me "Will they interact and discuss their ideas to help each other growing?". Your answer would be a Big No, isn't it? Because, we never disclose our ideas with others who are working with us. We always discuss something else. I would not say that this is wrong as each one of us would/should think about our survival first. So, it can be nothing but a common discussion on entertainments/sports/politics or similar ones. If one can term this as "Human Interaction", why the ones in the photos are accused that they are not interacting with humans. 

        Probably, they may be even sharing their love with their close ones, which I would say is greater than any other common topics referred above. Hence, my disagreement with the photo is that "it is not Human Interaction at all". Then, this question may arise to you as it did to myself: "What is Human Interaction?" is what that question and that is obvious. To me, interaction is something that involves the exchange of knowledge/experience and contributes to the society/small community. And that should happen even with unknown people! The aim or definition of the interaction should be towards contributing to social or personal development. It is not about sitting in beach, eating/drinking in a bar, or other entertainments. There is really nothing to interact with the known circle; that is why I have used the word "talking" earlier and asked to underline it. 

     It is nothing but a communication or an entertainment. Imagine this example for a human interaction: I used to see many people working in our agricultural fields for various jobs. I used to interact with them and learn many information including very small ones; I used to interact with them and work along with them although it is only very few minutes. And they have had good interaction between themselves as well and exchanged their knowledge on developing agriculture yields, best products and so on. Then, the technology and its development came into picture starting with "Tractor"; imagine what? technology has eliminated slowly but steadily all those employees and the jobs! More interestingly, the "interaction" between the humans was totally destroyed. All those who worked/interacted together in an agricultural field have become single nucleus in various places.

       They have lost even a "communication" between them. Now, we have equipments to do almost everything on an agricultural field - right from seeding to cultivation! This is the best example I can give. To add more, technology development has eliminated the "student-teacher" interaction. It has eliminated the interaction  (physical meetings) between management and employees. Now, files are being transferred through gadgets - "files do not carry/show human emotions/interactions". Imagine the recent incident in Alabama State, USA; it is apparent that the cop did not know how to interact with an "unknown common" man. He is not trained for that; all those machine guns and atom-bombs have influenced him and others just a fear! Is it that cop's fault or not?. A county that calls itself as "world's superpower" invest so much on developing nuclear/biological bombs. 

      Do you want any more shameful example than such investment? People DO NOT EVEN want to interact with humans in a "Battle Field" and just want to destroy the humans with technological advancements. We just do not think about these shameful surpasses of human-interaction! But, we just take funny photos on common and innocent people and say they surpass human-interaction! If that is the case, please do not forget that it is the same technology (smart phone) that brought together so many friends/relatives who were lost in touch for so long! If one can term this as human-interaction, then we should realise that it is the same technology that gave you back the "interaction" with your friends/relatives. But, still I would not call it as "interaction" but would call just as a communication. I certainly believe that my understandings would make you agree with.

Let us first understand what is human-interaction!!!     

Note: Though it is a speculated Einstein's quote, as an iota of a physicist, I am very happy to get this opportunity to post a write-up based on this quote. Above all, I am very satisfied that this English blog of mine has kick-started with such a write-up.

Link to Tamil Version:


  1. great topic and we said about human interaction.

  2. I really appreciate your opinion and shared some ideas. Firstly the meaning of human interaction "is being lost, suddenly we go from talks, meetings, family outings and lunches to having an appointment with the screen (long times with our cellphones). Unfortunately bit by bit we loss the habit and conscious, and this last term is intensified by the direction we give. Second (one idea that and prioritize), the technology to manufacture large weapons of war, probably as a sign of superiority among “developed countries”; but I believe that there are other points: poverty, education, health and the environment. “It is necessary emphasize on that”
    Thanks for sharing you thoughts. Good article.

  3. An interesting blog, I think your way of thinking and your logic about human interaction and technology has surprised me a lot. Today the young people closest to this new avant-garde world with globalization form "transparent friendships" which of course is not the same as in real life, because technology can share ideals but never equal a mutual interaction that leads to presenting the complete and a concrete exchange of who we are. And not only in remote conversations through social networks are the so-called "interaction" and there is even this term in the world of video games, which I do not think should be correct to be called that way their way of communicating, but what I consider What could be called "interaction", from my perspective, are video calls, because it is assimilated to a certain extent to the exchange of emotions as well, although unmatched to a physical presentation.

    Geraldine Albarracin Lupaca – COAR CAJAMARCA

  4. I very much agree with your reasoning, the way in which you question yourself is interesting and I am sure we share the same concerns. It's true, technology has changed the way people interact. Personally, each individual has the power to decide the way he wants to communicate with the rest, this depends on the possibilities he has to do so. Likewise, I believe that knowledge continues to be generated and transmitted from generation to generation and person after person, the difference is that technology has interfered in it. That is directly related to the evolution of man. We can use technology as a facilitator of activities, but we must continue to innovate in a sustainable way. An issue that is not related to this is education, since cosidero is responsible for forming society correctly, with it, we can use every resource we have in a sustainable and fair way. It is only up to us to manage technology, or to allow it to manage us.I liked your article, many successes.

  5. I agree and am grateful for the information provided, the topic you have discussed is very interesting, because now we are living this problem, the way you make your point of view known is correct, because you use examples and quotes.
    I agree with the idea that technology has eliminated human interaction, since technology, for example, replaces a hug or a handshake with just an emoji, this tool that should increase relationships between people has replaced it with just a message.

    Hemerzon Marx Oblitas Chávez-COAR Cajamarca

  6. This blog was interesting. I agree with your opinion, because we know that true human interaction has been replaced by technology. Currently we only look at the friendships we receive through social networks. But this is not the same as in real life, since through a screen we cannot share what we are really going through at that time, through a screen we can pretend to be other people and this affects human interaction. Many times, we meet friends of ours; however, we do not interact as we did, since we are only aware of our Smartphone and we do not visualize reality. In short, technology has gradually taken away our social life instead of helping us to interact more with those around us. Nowadays we depend of the interaction through the technology.
    Well, I believe that technology can helps us in something, such us the interaction with some people of different countries and It allows us to know more about other people. But in some case the technology only looks for more victims to loss the essence of the true human interaction. Thanks to the technology we lost the opportunity to share our emotions and feelings and we lost the communication with the people that around us.

  7. Your way of analyzing and questioning about the controversy of the subject caught my attention and that was very interesting for me. Technology in some cases has made things easier for us, it has meet us with our loved livings who had no news of them. In the same way, I facilitate activities that required great work and effort on the part of people. But even so, we have become accustomed to the comfort of this, technology is becoming our executioner in daily life. I believe that, if the human being had created the technology, ourselves can control it and submit it to our mercy, and from there understand that everything has its drawbacks. And in this way, prevent the new generations from being involved in a technological life occupying human reasoning.

  8. Is an interesting blog, and I think that your opinions are very interesting especially because of the topic you write the technology and the interaction. In my opinion, technology nowadays it is the most used tool in the world thanks to globalization, and this allows that the people have a communication with person that different countries, but this not is an interaction or interrelation, because the technology It can allow communication with any person in the world but it will never equal a mutual conversation where you can share feelings, culture and ideas personally. In this sense, the word interaction goes beyond a simple conversation, it is about knowing and learning from others. That is why I consider that technology is a very effective tool in the 21st century but it cannot promote good interaction with other people. It simply allows us to know but not share with the people in the environment, another very important point is that technology has transformed us into zombies because many times we are surrounded by people but we do not interact, we simply focus our time on smart phones, so we must know how to control the technology so that it does not control us.

  9. From my point of view, this article has explained an important topic today, I strongly agree with the author's opinion because human interaction is important for our mental health. Social contact helps us cope with stress and major life changes such as depression, layoffs, and moving. And knowing that we are valued by others is an important psychological factor to help us forget the negative aspects of our life, and think more positively in our environment, it is also vital for our physical health, but now the interaction runs into the technology, is the cause of disconnection between people, to avoid episodes of isolation and depression, human interaction is even more important, in that sense, we need to think about changing this situation, technology is cutting-edge, so humans will be like idiots, therefore, we as a new generation It is important to clarify some of this, we cannot allow technology to direct our lives, because all that glitters is not gold, sometimes we can think that without technology we cannot live , it is false, we can change and start interacting with our fellow men
    To sum up, the article was really informative and allow that the lector has known about the human interaction and how the technology can be the mortal cause of not interaction between the humans.
    Elina Romero - COAR CAJAMARCA

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. First of all, I quite agree with your way of thinking and reflecting on this topic that is currently being experimented on and debated. Human communication has been transformed throughout humanity in parallel with technological development and globalization, where mobile phones and other devices are playing an important role so that humans can talk between their loved ones or those of interest. Also, allow me to cite a fragment of your argument "The aim or definition of the interaction should be towards contributing to social or personal development", based on this, I highlight the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), since Thanks to this tool, it has been possible to improve productivity through good communication between the client, as well as to improve the quality of the product or service without the need to establish direct communication. Radically, technology has been advancing to allow us to be more communicated and for our projects to flow properly, generating the impact that is desired and not as a barrier to generating empathy. In that sense, I also consider that this image does not necessarily express a bad human interaction, since we must take into account the point at which they are expressing their thoughts. Although technology is also a dangerous tool, which carries risks, it is simply it would be based on the way we are using it.
    Percy Armas Becerra-COAR CAJAMARCA

  12. Thinking our current situation through , we are immersed in technology and its advances but all that glitters is not gold. For that reason I like this article, we can find a big perspective. In the author's opinion we have identified that he considers negative and positive aspects referred to open or limited interaction. I support his ideas because it is reflected in our reality.
    First, although there are social networks that aim to keep us connected, it will never be the same as relationships face-to-face interpersonal characteristics because human characteristics such as gestures are omitted. But, I'll add something important: if we look into the positive of it we find that it solves remote interactions generated by multiple factors, there are situations in which it is impossible for people to seek real interactions, for example with social isolation and this tool is their opportunity. Arguing out this issue is necessary but we need to consider as many scenarios as possible because there are variations around the world.
    To sum up, this article is interesting according to the perspective that it presents, but I consider that it is important to broaden the vision of the situation because sometimes there are certain limitations that are beyond our control.
    Ariatne Medina Torres - COAR CAJAMARCA

  13. I really like your article, especially nowadays because of the pandemic it is what is happening, human interaction has been replaced by the technology, but talking about human interaction in technology is not easy as ABC, when we talk about personal interaction you are right we are talking about something more than a simple communication, I´m not an expert in technology but when we look into it, there are a lot of tools that help people to a have real human interaction like video calls, because is not only an screen, when we try to deal with a problem and we need help most of the time we tour to technology, because there are our friends there are our family, technology is more than a set of instruments, I believe that technology is way to sort out problems and be what we want, but all that glitters is not gold, because technology has disadvantages, there are people who hide their identity and become a different people, but it is the responsibility of each person to have in mind how to use technology in order not to be driven by it.
    To finish, I know that maybe technology will change our way of interacting with people, but the communication among people through technology will continue to be human interaction, all depends on us and the way that we use it.
    Ramón Antonio Velásquez Paredes - COAR CAJAMARCA

  14. I found it interesting how it covers the main topic focusing on a very important point which is technology. But, I Find myself in a neutral point to look into that perspective minusually; While it´s true, what technology has allowed is to maintain communication over long distances between people, in which this runs up against true human interaction. However, this type of technological implementation has allowed the development of a method by which users can share their experiences and even their ideas, completely cutting out the traditional method, leading to modernization, which is a process as easy as ABC. But, I also consider that technology in itself hasn't removed jobs as mentioned, since in order to develops human activities, people are necessary for their creation, then in large industries in manufacturing, there is a large percentage of human labor that interacts both with the machines and with the same people in order to modernize the company. Finally, to sum up “technology doesn't make the person, the person makes technology”.
    Josué Amir Ávila Peña - COAR CAJAMARCA

  15. Based on the topic, it is true that nowadays, due to a bad human management of technology, our society is wrestling with the lack of human interaction. As you highlighted in your post,, especially teenagers are abusing ON technology and are leaving aside their human interaction. Consequently, this fact was related to Albert´s quote, as he mentioned that technology will get over people´s rationality, nevertheless, before making a pronouncement we should think about the cons of new gadgets for communication through. I would like to add one example, If we take into consideration hard situations as a pandemic, such as Coronavirus, virtual communication becomes more important than human interaction, and this fact will give us the chance to be connected with our loved ones. Do you see? Hence, technology is not cutting back human interaction, it depends on human management, but it is enforcing our communication, due to technology management is as easy as ABC.

    On the other hand, when we talk about communication related to human interaction, people tend to link it to the most common and known social networkings, nonetheless, they do not look into the advantages of other apps and tools in order to keep up connected to some people with their families in hard situations. In this sense, I liked a comment you made, and it is that people don't like to expose their lives to hard situations, and we use technology to communicate with unknown people. To sum up, it is up to us to manage technology, nothing is bad at all, we should have a society with a sense of technology management to bring off great and amazing results.
    Anthony Valle Quinde - COAR CAJAMARCA

  16. This is a very complex and interesting blog. It's true the author is very critical. I appreciate all the information about technology because it inspires me to explore. Firstly human beings had a continuous interaction, expressing all our cultures and relationships, but we ran up against technology in a new world of globalization of the web. We think our lives through , because technology can share ideals but never equal a mutual interaction that leads to presenting the complete. As said Einstein “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The word will have a generation of idiots” . So I look into each new wave of technology, its expansion speed is really scaling, for example, memes are used by teenagers daily, as easy as ABC, it is true , people make memes for communication, because they WANT TO express their emotions ,it's like getting funny things out of our physical appearance. Moreover I don't think that this is the correct way to have a good interaction, it only expresses quick emotions that the person goes through. Another example is the video called making people looking through a screen which is not a face to face communication . For this reason, the word interaction goes far beyond communication, since it can be used in any field of knowledge. So, I agree that technology has eliminated physical interaction, but in this 21st century technology is important to a large extent, because it allows the exploration of all knowledge.

  17. Having read the interesting ideas of your blog, this can let us know that technology comes to make a change, whether for the better or not. As you mentioned with the interaction, knowing that technology can isolate or unite us, because run up against this event (pandemic) that we went through thanks to digital devices has allowed us to continue, however, it can also isolate us, since the media only allows up to a connect in one part, the rest is up to us. Within that aspect, notice in video calls which you can interact virtually with people, resembling direct contact, run into the physical meeting is always better since technology has not achieved a true bond as in a natural way, wrestling with some aspects. And due to all the information, it´s the time to get your thinking cap on and you look for the actions to take on that allows us to be in touch and not to fall apart to each other

    Another point to be discussed is how it has evolved and how it has been handled at the expense of the pandemic, since previously there were only a few tools available, since they were only for certain issues, however, given its vitality. Currently, it has developed its functions more so that it can be assimilated to almost face-to-face contact.

    To finish, there are pros and cons when using technology has impacted our decisions are crucial for not been driven by it.

    Diego Alberto Del Valle Luna - COAR CAJAMARCA

  18. I enjoy your opinion and how you share it, the information you give us about the relationship between technological advancement and human interaction is relevant, along with the false quote that allows us to explore a position, questioning the future effect of technology in our day to day life, we need different postures to think it through.
    Based on opinion, I understand that human interaction is conditioned according to its exact definition, and that is where it shows us how communication through technology itself is not an interaction. We should look into the correct definition of it, for me it would be the complete set of elements used to transmit a message such as signals, language and movements. In this case, technology helps or limits, to analyze it in real life we ​​have to cut out the parties involved since, for example, during this pandemic, educational institutions were limited, thanks to technology, classes could be taught. If we see it this way, technology is an advantage. If we look at it from the point where the interaction between a computer interface and the student is not the same as the interaction between the teacher and the student in person, it is seen as a disadvantage because it limits active learning.
    Thus, I agree with you, technology over time has limited human interaction, and we should not be confused, technology is a useful tool in communication but we argue interaction and communication out are not the same.


  19. The society that we are living in today , makes us perceive how technology has evolved and turned out to be the most used tool in the world, I support your opinion because there is a perspective full of ideas to argue out.
    First of all, technology has allowed people in different places to communicate as easy as ABC. Yes; We know that the advancement of technology has generated that people who are from different countries can communicate, but this has also caused that human interactions are avoided among people, also with the cutting edge of technology arrive at communicate through social networks. Technology can allow communication but not face-to-face where you can perceive what the other person feels, feeling and emotions can never be felt through a cell phone screen. But, all that glitters is not gold, technology has a positive side in this current time that the whole world lives, the new pandemic and social isolation, has caused the constant use of technology because now it is an ally to be able to communicate, thanks to social networks people have been able work, be informed, etc. It is impossible for people to search for human interaction on certain occasions, as in this case there are situations that can cause communication through a screen.

    To finish, your blog shows interesting ideas, but it is necessary to know that technology, despite the fact that it avoids human interaction, there are in certain situations that it is needed to be able to communicate; the advantages and disadvantages of technology depend on the concept of each one.

  20. For me it has been a real pleasure to read your article, which I liked and moved a lot. Personally, if we talk about technology it is a fairly wide field and it is a complicated subject to discuss. However, based on the topic about "Human interaction", we can honestly show a sudden change that has occurred over time, in other words, the influence that different technological tools are having on our way of life is noticeable and how we have adapted to it. From a positive point of view, frankly in times of crisis such as the pandemic we are currently experiencing, the different electronic media are essential to maintain communication with our families. The concern of all this is that we do not think through, in such a way that the problem is that many people are not responsible enough to evaluate the consequences of our actions (ethics), a clear example is adolescents, who only believe it convenient to enjoy of the advantages that technology offers us and imagining that everything is rosy, browsing any page without prior knowledge of the risks.
    Clearly, technology has made our life easier, but all that glitters is not gold, in this way we must understand that technology also has a smokescreen and human beings are not capable of wrestle with the causes that are breaking ties in relation to direct contact between parent-child and others, which are being replaced by a screen. In addition, I would say that it is up to us to decide to be on the cutting edge to limit technology from pushing us over the cliff.
    In a nutshell, I share my feelings with you and I agree with everything you express. Therefore, we do not expect to be in the middle of the disaster to apply strategies that allow us to sort out the issue that overwhelms us from now on.
    Marisol Esther Huaccha Dávila - COAR CAJAMARCA

  21. Your point of view definitely had a positive impact on me, especially your way of thinking about interaction due to technology. Well it's true nowadays, children, especially young people and some adults, run into something by the power of technology, we hide feelings and reactions behind a screen that only arrive to affect our interactions, and IS THIS really fair?. From my perspective, technology should be used out of necessity, but not with the aim of affecting our friendships, our mutual relationships, so all that glitters is not gold, I know that many people have been immersed in situations in which we have preferred to interact with technology, for example; video games, chats, social networks, etc. Converting a mediocre society, and little prepared for future generations, is this really positive? Well, think through technology has brought negative aspects and one of them is this. But we can deal with this, it all depends on each one.
    Jeiner Kleiton Guerrero Palomino - COAR CAJAMARCA

  22. The blog is very interesting, I agree with the idea presented, since from a personal experience we can know the impact that technology has generated in our lives and we can look into how it influences our interaction and our environment. Technology continues to evolve and every time it becomes part and has greater control On us, our interaction is affected by technology, for example, Using technology is easy as ABC for children, another clear example is the pandemic, where almost 70% of the day we are on our cell phones, this is displacing us from our social life, and limiting us from having an interaction with our peers.
    However, I can add that All that glitters is not gold, maybe technology brings us many benefits, but in turn it subjects us to radical changes, so we have to Wrestle with technology for our social freedom, we have control over technology and How we use it, so that it cannot affect our interaction with our environment, then we must deal with technology, so that it cannot limit performing different activities, and from my perspective, a face-to-face interaction is the best experience that exists.
    Jhan Cristian Vega Ramírez-COARA CAJAMARCA

  23. I like your article, it is interesting these days, in which all people are connected by technology, most of them use technology to communicate, seek information or have fun. A relevant example that you have mentioned is the use of telephones to send messages to our acquaintances in contrast with direct communication (face to face), you establish that chat with phones is not interaction. I agree with this idea because we can’t express our real feelings. It is right!! In our cellphones there are emoticons, some people use them to express their real emotions, but others only pretend to be good, they don’t show their true identity. How can we wrestle with this? To deal with this issue is important to get out of our mind the idea that using technology is easy as ABC, because we really don’t know the tangible purpose of technology. On the other hand, you have mentioned the quote of the famous Albert Einstein “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots”, I was looking into this quote and I came to the following conclusion: The building of a generation of idiots only will depend on people who misuse the technology, when it becomes a vice for them and doesn’t allow them to have an adequate social life. Hence, we can't wait for the day that technology will surpass our human interaction, we need to have a change in this moment, in the present.
    To sum up, your article shows interesting ideas which are related with human interaction and technology, you contrast quotes and use it to defend your ideas, but it is important to make a comparison with statistical data, perhaps this would give more relevance to your article.

  24. I really enjoyed reading your article, as your opinion running into us to the harsh reality, because technology has been replacing direct interaction AMONG people, and as you start by telling us, maybe technology is driving us and we are not realizing it because we are surprised with the facilities that we have acquired with technology, and I do not know whether to be happy or scared since around us it is difficult to find a person on the street without a cell phone in hand, we can forget everything except the cell phone. We are wrestling with the technology that is disappearing the human interaction, and as you say not all information on the internet is true but people not look into and just share all this information without verification, However, I think that people are the ones who misuse technology, we can not hide that we are preparing our self-destruction, many countries rely on technology to create weapons of war and this is a career that does not have when To finish, in 5 years we may not even remember face-to-face human interaction, we will forget the sensations that we felt when we talked to people, seeing the gestures and movements they make without a screen in between, maybe human relationships are being destroyed so get your thinking cap on and you look for answers and solutions, because the memories should not be only in a photo, they should remain in the hearts of each person.
    Sandra Lizeth Mejía Rubio- COAR Cajamarca

  25. In my view, I feel that your ideas are very cool, due technology has sorted out some troubles of our society, but in accordance with the definition of “interaction”, firestone (2012) upholds that “Interaction is the act of talking or doing things with other people”, in this sense communication is part of this one, so I will add up this to your argument, in as much as you argued out these terms as independent parts, and indeed it does not add up. Moreover, you are right when you say “technology has eliminated slowly but steadily all those employees and the jobs! More interestingly, the "interaction"”, due to technology has been considered as one of the most important tools for agriculture, but here all that glitters is not gold, the physical- interaction has been cut out, due to is not necessary to have humans working. Likewise, we need to see the positive impact that technology has had in our lives, the only fact that all the world is interconnected is a good way to keep our relations with friends, familiars and so on. On the other hand to see profoundly what is the impact of technology? It would be necessary to look into some Cutting edge social experiments in order to arrive at a good conclusion about technology in our interaction.
    Brayan Anderson Chumpen Carranza-COAR Cajamarca

  26. I think that , More recently, the term “appropriate technology” has come to mean not just technology which is suited to the needs and capabilities of the user, but technology that takes particular account of environmental, ethical, and cultural considerations. That is clearly a much more difficult thing to achieve. Often it is found in rural communities in developing or less industrialized countries. For example, solar powered lamps that bring light to areas with no electricity and water purifiers that work simply by the action of sucking through a straw. But the principle of appropriate technology does not only apply to developing countries. It also has its place in the developed world.Eveling Sànchez-COAR-Cajamarca


  27. This blog is very interesting and eye-catching. That is why I agree with the author's opinion because, as we well know, human interaction has been replaced by current technology. Nowadays, we only talk with friends on social networks, however, we do not know them, we do not know who is behind that screen, therefore it is not the same as being in real life talking with a person we know and we can entrust all our thoughts and feelings to him, these new technologies are affecting human interaction. In that sense, technology is replacing a large part of our human interaction and we do not really know who is hiding behind that screen and what their true intentions are. Now we only have to dominate technology and control its use or that technology controlled us. I really liked this article and I very much agree with the ideas expressed.
    Ariana De La Cruz Tacilla- COAR Cajamarca

  28. The blog teach me to understand the connection between cultures and technology, likewise this blog argue out properly technology in our lives, how it has consequences positives and negatives, and in what ways it arrives at differents necesities of people. In the same way, I consider that this blog help me to me think through about the future of our generation, if it is better with technology, or we turn into in others persons more stupists
    Yoryhet Yalú Correa Pérez - COAR Cajamarca

  29. After reading your blog, I must confess that I agree with you, as you already mentioned, we call human interaction when we talk face to face with another person, but with new technologies we only use smartphones to communicate, this cruel situation does not allow us have a proper and efficient interaction. On the other hand, regarding your definition of human interaction; Personally, I find it very interesting how you describe the function of the communication process as the exchange of experiences.
    However, on some occasions to communicate with other people we use technology, I think this is the reason why many confuse what is human interaction and communication, from my little life experience I can affirm that technology is good when we have control over it and use it properly, and of course they have negative aspects like the ones you have exposed. In that sense, I recognize that it is up to us to manage the use of technology, in order to also improve our relationships and communication skills.
    Marilet Espino - COAR Cajamarca

  30. It's known that technology in our society is something cutting edge, but after hiding on a screen you can see different cases in which information can be changed and acts that can damage the integrity of a person, that's why in my opinion a Face-to-face Interaction It's so important that it can counteract cases that in the end can be regretted, on the other hand, Facebook has tried to run up against other social networks and be the best, so Facebook is one of the best known companies at the level world already tried to sort out something in the security of social networks, since it has been evolving, where the user in case his account is hacked or perhaps lost, facebook implements a security state where they ask the user for their DNI or similar document and important information to be able to recover the account and in cases where they don´t match, facebook doesn't allow the access to the account. As YOU ALREADY MENTIONED , the photos that are shared have not been able to arrive at so feasible for an interaction, since an image cannot give a clear message and above all it is not an interaction where ideas can be shared

  31. Hey there, great job on the article!
    I would like to start by saying that I have always had the ideology that all things are marked or categorized as good or bad and that these conceptions will never change; however, now I understand that some things are seen as bad because we make them look like bad. To make this quite clear, what I mean is that technology is not as bad as it is described in relation to human interaction, the simple reason I am saying this is that thanks to recent innovations humans have learned new ways of interacting with other people or to be in tune with somebody, in a certain situation. For instance, with a videoconference we can interact with individuals who are in other places, who probably we do not see them often in person and this is the same case with other virtual platforms. In the same way, being realistic in today's world, technology is a source for the development of a new society; nevertheless, the form of behavior originates in people's values, because the values that govern a society will be the same ones that guide the use of technology.

  32. I agree with your opinion on the blog up to the point that you are talking about globalization as a factor of human interactivity. So, that is a good idea about the interaction without technology, and it is right but sometimes your position shows me that the technological advantages don’t show great improvements in people, on the contrary show fewer possibilities of good interactions. We are in a new century and I think that we must also account for and accept the capacity that technology has to communicate more easily.
    From my point of view, your thought about the concept of human interaction is a little subjective because you say that the new pieces of equipment eradicate "communication" I suppose that you see the technology as an origin of some wars, but think about our responsibilities, the interaction people-machines or another depend only in people, we have the opportunity to use the technology for bad or good activities. We must look into and say technology never will surpass our human interaction because we control technology.
    And discussing it, is a better way to interact, being able to be on the internet or physical interaction. Based on "To add more, technology development has eliminated the "student-teacher" interaction" In the context of the pandemic, I bear out that technology was the best tool not only for better interaction in education but also to improve the jobs AT home, and pulish up the interaction with the family, etc.
    Maybe virtual communication is weak interaction, but we should reflect on the question: Is really technology an obstacle FOR human interaction
    Elizabeth Rodríguez Mondragón - COAR Cajamarca

  33. From my standpoint, I quite agree with your way of thinking and reflecting on this important topic that is currently. It is true that human interaction was replaced by technology. Nowadays technology is the most used tool, this allows communication, but it doesn´t provide a good interaction. It simply allows knowing but sharen´t mutual interaction with other people, especially in the situation of pandemic that we live, in which the technology creates only a remote interaction through social networks as video-call, that allow people to communicate between them. However, technology has been advancing, providing new ways of communication and improving productivity that can lead to better communication.
    Furthermore, to be worried about the bad impacts of technology in our daily life is what makes us doubt, that which it could lead to risks, but we can look into the way that we are using it, because, we are driven by the technology, for this reason we need to be control of this in order to figure out how to use it correctly. To sum up, its article is interesting, but it is up to us to take advantage oF technology, as the Internet has allowed the creation of various virtual spaces that promote and stimulate communication in this time of pandemic.

  34. Regarding the subject, I agree with the aforementioned but up to a point because all that glitters is not gold. It is true that today, due to the misuse of technology, our society is losing human interaction. As mentioned in your post, especially teens, who are abusing technology and neglecting relationships between family and friends, as well it is cutting out them of their reality.
    However, technology such as computers, mobile phones, and electronic tablets have allowed the reconfiguration of the ways in which human beings receive, interpret, and transmit information; enabling the development of good communication, interaction. We can evidence this pandemic because thanks to these new TECHNOLOGICAL advances we can wrestle with academic, work and personal problems.
    I can also rescue that technology is a fundamental tool and we should look into that people's habits will determine whether it is a good or bad tool. but it should be noted that technology has allowed the development of very fast and effective communication because thanks to this tool we can interact around the world, where we interact and learn from different cultures, in itself we are talking about great knowledge and opportunities at the moment in which through the Internet we can create new spaces for interaction and opportunities to learn about the world system. Therefore, from my point of view, technology is not an obstacle but depends on us if we make it a tool that benefits us or is harmful, watching videos all the time is a failure, but I am sure that we can put it to responsable use.

  35. The ideas that you express on your blog seem very interesting to me, so I agree with your perspective.Technology allows arguing out different topics that can be As easy as ABC, but if we talk about human interaction, it is not as easy as you think, because human interaction involves face-to-face communication with a person, sorting out something.
    Many people can change or confuse the meaning of communication with human interaction, but it is not the same, as mentioned, the meaning that I give to human interaction would correspond to interacting with a person physically, otherwise with communication, because we can communicate through technology and we do not need a person to be in front of us, to clarify the idea I will mention some examples: We can communicate through messages on social networks or make calls; from my point of view, this would mean communication. If we look into the information provided on the blog and refer to Einstein's spectacular quote, it would be considered that human interaction, as its name says human, not technological, this interaction would be in danger and we would not live as humans, but with technology involved.

    To conclude, I want to mention that technology can contribute in different aspects and can make people's lives easy, but it can also take us away from the people around us and live isolated from society.

    Thalía Anel Huamán López - COAR CAJAMARCA

  36. After reading and looking into this blog, I can say that I share your ideas, because technology is created and evolved by humans. Likewise, pointing out to the Albert Einstein phrase that he mentions, since it is precise and forceful to relate it to the subject. In addition, you are right to mention that the advancement of technology is neglecting human capacity as easy as ABC. Although, it is also possible to arrive at that technology has favored the interaction between human beings during the pandemic because it allowed video calls, virtual meetings, etc. It is also necessary to think through the use that we give to technology. As the blog mentioned, human interaction has been favored thanks to technology. However, we have given so much power to technology that it can connect and disconnect us. Also, some people believe that new technologies carry more benefits than risks, therefore we can say that all that glitters is not gold. However, if we see it from another point of view, it also mentions that technology is leaving aside physical human interaction, especially in young people, since they sometimes depend on technology. But are we willing to give up physical communication because of technology? that remains in us. But with this question I do not want to imply that technology is bad, but that it depends on how human beings use it.

  37. It's interesting the perspective you give us about human interaction and the way that you argue out.
    Technology has more and more influence on our daily lives and it's important to think through about the effects in us. As you mention: interaction is something that involves the exchange of knowledge/experience and contributes to the society/small community. And technology has improved the way that we interact and the way that we access information. Nowadays, people can communicate from parts of the world as easy as ABC. Obviously there is no physical interaction (face to face) but there is an emotional interaction. Which contributes not breaking up family, friendship or working relation.
    Moreover, there is benefit in the way knowledge is exchanged. For example, thanks to technology you can publish a blog on internet and give your perspective on something and contrast it with other people.
    On the other hand, if there is no great use of technology, it could cause trubles that affect human interaction, as cyberbullying. Which many people are wrestle with it.
    So, technology has been affected and benefited human interaction, at the same time.
    Ronaldo Torres-COAR Cajamarca

  38. This blog surprised me a lot because of the argument it presents about the impact that technology has on human interaction, which provides both positive and negative aspects, which makes it more objective. It is true that technology has favored communication, but it is necessary to clarify that it has also created bad habits in today's society. Whether its excessive use and the consequences it brings to our health, such as the lack of development of other skills that previously without technology in years past, if it was done. However, these are points that I believe could be mentioned with respect to the relationship between communication and technology, but, on the other hand, with respect to interaction, I feel it is one of the best explanations I have been able to read.
    Giancarlo Rodriguez Altamirano-COAR Cajamarca

  39. I agree with your way of thinking about this issue of human interaction, therefore I agree that technology has changed the way people interact, since nowadays technological tools such as emoji, stickers are used to express themselves before others, and it is no longer done in a physical way as a hug or any other expression. On the other hand, there are the friendships that are through the + as social networks today we all have friends from different parts of the world, which we share many things through a screen. Likewise, I think that this blog gives us to understand that the human being begins to feel that the speed of technology is unattainable, not only from its understanding or adoption but precisely in its relationship. We no longer know how to keep up with him. At the precise moment that the human being begins to understand the use of social networks, he discovers that the apps are there, when the handling of the apps begins to be familiar, the need to understand artificial intelligence arises, as soon as we begin to discover what it is this from AI. From my point of view I think that technology exponentially became "social" and inversely proportionally caused a setback in human-to-human relationships. This is reflected in a leading presence of technology in people's daily activities. The social began to occur in a "natural" way? through the screens. We began to connect more through technology to the detriment of offline social interaction.
    Erika Sanchez Garcia-COAR Cajamarca

  40. I agree with the idea that technology has eliminated human interaction, and as you mention has affected in the field of family relations, at work and in war, and of course if you are very right, for example, technology has been replacing a hug or a handshake by only an emoji or stiker, this tool that was intended to improve communication and therefore a greater relationship is doing the opposite, and as I had also mentioned to affected workers, every day there are fewer employees, because a robot or machines, even is trying to replace a teacher, but I wonder if it will achieve better education, if the problems of a student are solved through interaction, definitely this missing interaction, but this all depends on the attitude of humans, if we have values technology is a good tool, from here our life with technology is good and has a good impact on our lifestyle, but if people do not have a good moral, technology affects us badly, affecting or living.

    Finally, I appreciate the information provided, the topic you have discussed is very interesting, and relevant to the situation we are now living, likewise the way you give your point of view is correct, because you use examples and quotes, something that has helped me understand your perpectiv.
    Hemerzon Marx Oblitas Chávez-COAR-Cajamarca

  41. Estimated Elangovan, even though I must research more in order to think through to develop a perspective, I want to say you that my outlook about what is the human interaction have changed after reading your blog. Because, I have always considering that human interaction is to talk face to face with another person, so if we just use smartphones to communicate it couldn't be a proper interaction. However, as you mentioned, to arrive at the conclusion that technology is able to destroy human interaction, we should understand what human interaction is; where the communication process plays an important role in order to exchange knowledge and experiences. Furthermore, to be worried about the impacts of technology in our daily life is what makes us argue out about it. Because, we became scared when we are driven by technology instead to realize how to use it properly. On another hand, it could be interesting to talk about the differences at the time to socialize between Z generation and the other generations, due to the technology impacts are not the same in each generation, and what you are holding has a relation with that. To sum up, your understandings would make me agree with you, however I have to get my thinking gap on, owing to I need a better horizon about the impacts of technology in the society, especially in human interaction field.
    Luis Carlos Verastegui Pinedo - COAR CAJAMARCA

  42. Dear Elangovan Elamurugu, your words are very assertive and considerable, I ran into bad trouble thinking that technology has overtaken our human interaction. Definitely, I have needed some time to think it through and support my fundamentals, In this regard, from all your approaches I rescue the importance of understanding the true essence of Human-Interaction, since although it is true that all that glitters is not gold when we focus on the effect of technology on society we must bear in mind that this gives us the opportunity to COMMUNICATE with people who are far from us (such as our teachers, family, friends ...), however, technology does not grant us interaction, so is impossible that technology achive overcome interaction, let's understand this : Communication refers to the act of sharing information. On the other hand, interaction refers to acting in a way that affects the other.
    In that sense, I can affirm that communication in social networks is not reciprocal, so we cannot consider it as an interaction, nevertheless it is very common in our generation that it can end with human interaction, because more and more humanity prefers chat than talk to their external environment.
    In conclusion, to affirm that technology is surpassing human interaction we must look into communication and interaction differences, morever is important to understand that the communication that technology provides can eliminate the exchange of knowledge that contributes to social and personal development.
    Nadia Gisela Gamboa Chacón-COAR CAJAMARCA

  43. This article presents a great perspective on technology, since it presents us with pros and cons about technology, and the use of it for interaction, which is clearly reflected in our current society
    From my point of view, this article clearly shows us that social networks are a means of interaction, which to a certain extent helps us to be able to communicate in moments like the pandemic we are experiencing, but clearly this does not replace a face-to-face dialogue where You can obviously convey the emotions you want to share. Although it is true on many occasions, technology hurts many people since it is an easy means of obtaining information, but if we show the good in this we can realize that if it is used correctly we will obtain a great source of knowledge and advances that help human development.
    To finish this article I found it very interesting because it raises questions, which allow you to reflect on the subject as well as using a vocabulary and expressions suitable for the public to transmit.
    Brandon Chávez Sánche -COAR CAJAMARCA

  44. First of all, the position you present is very interesting and I was struck by how you think, and especially the examples you use. We know that technology is changing more and more for better or for worse depending on how it is used, the impact of globalization also affects it and in terms of human interaction we share a large number of ideas. It is known that today cell phones have improved communication between people from different places, even from other countries and continents, but this does not mean that it has the ability to replace human interaction, as it lacks technological tools such as "a hug "or" a caress ", we know that feelings can be transmitted but not as before, just by looking at the face and being able to hug and feel the appreciation of the other person, this was reduced to a" hug to the screen "or" a caress the screen ". However, I do not discount how important technology is in communicating with many more people than we sometimes ever speak face to face.
    Tayson Perez Guevara-COAR CAJAMARCA.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Man is an eminently social being, he needs to survive, grow, develop, and be happy with his bonding and interaction with his peers. In that sense, I greatly appreciate your work, I share the same perspective of you, because in the 21st century our interaction has undergone a metamorphism, due to an omnipresent factor called "technology". Today, communication, as the basis of interaction social, is the mechanism, who, has made possible the existence of what we call society, however with the arise of the internet, social networks, mobile devices, there has been a shift to non-verbal, indirect and non-face communication, many of the people go to social networks to establish a communication, nevertheless, there is no interaction. Interaction is the communication scene, and vice versa, since there is no one without the other, because in the communication process, people project their subjectivities and models of the world, interact from their places towards the construction of optimal knowledge, unlike, to virtually assimilated knowledge, that is why human interaction is important, since it allows the intellectual and individual development of human beings, also thanks to it, societies both small and large are constituted; Likewise, for one to speak of "human relations" it is necessary that they be linked through interactions and not through technology.
    Joseph Bartolo Jara - COAR CAJAMARCA

  47. It is a pride to read this excellent Blog, where it shows us the true reality of technology and human interaction. In my personal opinion, technology is the most used tool in our lives, to me as a student and to many professionals, since technological advance has forced a new digital world, full of opportunities and disadvantages. That is why, as an agent of change, I feel proud to live in an advanced century and for this reason each person is responsible for the use of technology since the consequences that technology can have depends on us. Anyelo Nicolas Burga Requejo - COAR- CAJAMARCA

  48. It's really a great blog, it's very interesting the way you think. From my point of view technology is one more step in the evolution of humans, therefore, our way of life also changes, and really the fact that we are leaving our habits has happened since a long time ago, only now, with the technological revolution and its rapid advance forces us to adapt quickly, the point is that we are not prepared to live with technology without it affecting us greatly, because human interaction is a great factor to live fully. I am sure that we will have to adapt and learn to handle technology, given that whether we want to or not, it is part of our lives, and it is not simply another tool, I consider that it is fulfilling and will fulfill the role of one more condition for the well-being and development of each one, as well as money. To conclude, never again will our interactions be the same, and with the passing of time and the concept of interaction also evolves along with us, and in the same way, put you thinking cap on our duty to look into the conditions and reflect on how we will live with technology. We need to think our role through.
    Contreras Tello Cristian David- COAR-CAJAMARCA

  49. In my opinion, I agree with you very much, well, it is true that technology today has changed our way of interacting, but as you have mentioned, to reach the conclusion that technology is capable of destroying human interaction, we must first understand what it is, considering that communication plays an important role in exchanging knowledge and experiences. However, I believe that we can use technology as a facilitator of many things, which does not influence the knowledge, since this is transmitted from generation to generation, and it is only up to us to have the ability to handle the technology and not that it handles us. I liked your article, good luck.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Understanding the aspects of life is very complex, since human beings have definitely always had the idea of ​​providing facilities and saving time, since development is fundamental for a city and a country in general. For this reason, before many people had no other option (without internet), they always interacted with their friends and even strangers, however today, in the 21st century, things have changed, technology offers us many important and educational things, but What should not be, is to lose human interaction, since a video call allows you to have a routine communication, with a family member or with unknown people from all over the world, but if we seek to interact and express ourselves, let's not waste time using these platforms and tools . Since emotions, feelings, sensations and thoughts cannot be fully expressed behind a screen as it is only our image on video. And without a doubt, our body is designed to understand the other, (to be empathetic), but if our empathy develops through a screen then our brain will understand that being empathic can only be developed through a screen. However, there are people who provide virtual support, many times we blame technology without knowing that we are responsible for our decisions, I know that it is essential to interact. But what happens, when you are alone, without family members close to you but you have a telephone with internet, you can look for thoughts that provide you with information and emotional support on that platform, I consider a great way out to value life, but before flying you need to learn to fly , therefore interaction and communication should always develop from human to human, (mom or dad) to release tensions and worries more effectively, but if you feel like you have no other choice, and you don't have friends with your ideals, you can go to plan "B Search the internet for guidance and lectures that make you think differently. Only you decide to be in control of your life or just blame things that, if misused, will harm your way of life.


    2. I agree with the opinion and criticism that has been made about this concern that corrodes the minds of people, since lately technology has taken over human communication. Here technology cannot choose that we use it, but we are the ones who turn to it in search of solutions to problems that are easily solved thanks to its influence. If we only remember, when we had physical interaction, many times the form of communication depended on the place, the coexistence space, the schooling and even the socioeconomic levels to which we belonged. However, electronic media and, above all, social networks have managed to overcome these barriers through the creation of new languages ​​or forms that enable oral and written communication regardless of the characteristics of the individual. This is thanks to the evolution that man is having, but that does not mean that everything is normal, because in reality there are many people who are still in the question of adapting to the changes that technology has generated and basically it is very difficult to compare human interaction with electronic communication. In summary, the way we communicate today has undergone a remarkable transformation, but despite how supernatural this topic is, it is necessary to recognize that technology has motivated many to share thoughts, beliefs, new ideas and ways of life, Many people are grateful for the ease with which they profited from technology, but it is good to remember that not everything is technology, however it would be good to adapt to it.


  52. I agree with the information in this blog, now all human communications are through technology, because we are immersed in the development of the advancement of this tool that every day has great things to show and that has allowed each of us let's have an easier life. Although he thinks that technology wants to destroy people, it is a concept in which I do not agree, because not everything depends on technology, human behavior and the way we use this tool depends solely on our interests and how much control let's get over it.
    Therefore, this blog is really interesting but it should also cover a little more than what technology allows human beings, because although it is something difficult to explain it is really interesting


  53. This blog is very interesting and important, from my point of view technology has help people in a certain way, since it has facilitated the activities we carry out, for example; we can communicate with our loved ones, seek information, look for work and even have fun, etc. sometimes we can control what we have created, but; It also affects us, health, society. However, technology in this negative aspect has managed to control humanity, since the activities that we carried out before are no longer the same, because now we only visualize the cell phone, the Tablet, the laptop, etc. And we do not interact with the people around us. For that reason we have been acting like zombies, since through a screen you cannot truly know the intentions of another person, because you cannot interact. Today technology controls you, it controls us, in conclusion that technology affects and benefits the population in different ways.


  54. It is definitely a very interesting blog, especially for your way of thinking, with which I completely agree, since you highlight the theme of human interaction, which is indeed being lost with the advance of technology, since we well know that people nowadays reject opportunities for dialogues between their friends or family, to be talking through a screen, which personally or I consider everything but a dialogue, conversation, and much less an interaction, because in this exchange of messages, individuals lack the ability to express their emotions or ideas in the right way, losing more and more our human essence when performing multiple actions in our day to day, becoming people who are used by technology, instead of being the person who uses technology, in effect the dependency that people are creating with technology, makes them ignorant of our human essence.
