பால்: 2 - பொருள்; இயல்: 10 - நட்பியல்; அதிகாரம்: 079 - நட்பு
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 079 - Friendship
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 079 - Friendship
0781. செயற்கரிய யாவுள நட்பின் அதுபோல்
வினைக்கரிய யாவுள காப்பு
What are rare things than doing friendship? Similarly,
what are rare protections for actions?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What are available, which are rare to do other than friendship?
What protection-systems are available for the evil actions, which are on par to friendship?
available for the ignorance-darkness, which are equivalent to rational?
0782. நிறைநீர நீரவர் கேண்மை பிறைமதிப்
0783. நவில்தொறும் நூல்நயம் போலும் பயில்தொறும்
பண்புடை யாளர் தொடர்பு
As book cheers on each reading, contact of
quality people do on each socializing
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Books will give happiness on each reading! Similarly, the
contact of quality friends; will give happiness on each socialize!
Guru; will develop understanding on each chance!
நட்பாங் கிழமை தரும்
Physical socialization isn’t needed; only the
emotion give strength to friendship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: To develop friendship, it is not necessary to be together and
closely socialize! Only the consensus thought will establish the strength of friendship!
unified functionality will secure the regime of people!
0787. அழிவின் அவைநீக்கி ஆறுய்த்து அழிவின்கண்
அல்லல் உழப்பதாம் நட்பு
Friendship is that eliminate and rectify the
ruin-factors, and share distress in ruin
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Friendship is that which eliminate the factors of ruin, practice
the ethical acts, and share the hardship when ruin happens!
giving the shoulder when failure happens!
வினைக்கரிய யாவுள காப்பு
What are rare things than doing friendship? Similarly,
what are rare protections for actions?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What are available, which are rare to do other than friendship?
What protection-systems are available for the evil actions, which are on par to friendship?
What are available, which are better to learn other than rational? What light-sources are available for the ignorance-darkness, which are equivalent to rational?
0782. நிறைநீர நீரவர் கேண்மை பிறைமதிப்
பின்நீர பேதையார் நட்பு
Friendship of wise resembles new moon;
Friendship of fool resembles full moon
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Friendship of those who have rational, will continuously grow
like new moon! Friendship of those who have superstition, will continuously decay like full
who care selfishness, will be lazy like senility-stage!
Friendship of wise resembles new moon;
Friendship of fool resembles full moon
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Friendship of those who have rational, will continuously grow
like new moon! Friendship of those who have superstition, will continuously decay like full
Conscience of those who care public-good, will be active like childhood! Conscience of those who care selfishness, will be lazy like senility-stage!
0783. நவில்தொறும் நூல்நயம் போலும் பயில்தொறும்
பண்புடை யாளர் தொடர்பு
As book cheers on each reading, contact of
quality people do on each socializing
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Books will give happiness on each reading! Similarly, the
contact of quality friends; will give happiness on each socialize!
Discourse will give understanding on each listening! Similarly, the guidance of graceful Guru; will develop understanding on each chance!
0784. நகுதற் பொருட்டன்று நட்டல் மிகுதிக்கண்
மேற்சென்று இடித்தற் பொருட்டு
Friendship not meant for pleasure; meant for
promptly criticise sternly on surplus
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The relationship called friendship, is not just to enjoy! Also to
promptly criticise sternly, when friends excessively violate the ethic!
siblings are in economic trouble!
0785. புணர்ச்சி பழகுதல் வேண்டா உணர்ச்சிதான்மேற்சென்று இடித்தற் பொருட்டு
Friendship not meant for pleasure; meant for
promptly criticise sternly on surplus
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The relationship called friendship, is not just to enjoy! Also to
promptly criticise sternly, when friends excessively violate the ethic!
The paper called money, is not just for us! Also to unprofitably give and help, when our siblings are in economic trouble!
நட்பாங் கிழமை தரும்
Physical socialization isn’t needed; only the
emotion give strength to friendship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: To develop friendship, it is not necessary to be together and
closely socialize! Only the consensus thought will establish the strength of friendship!
To conduct democracy, it is not necessary to be opposite and develop enmity! Only an unified functionality will secure the regime of people!
0786. முகம்நக நட்பது நட்புஅன்று நெஞ்சத்து
அகம்நக நட்பது நட்பு
Befriend with cheering face, isn’t friendship!
Befriend with cheering heart, is friendship!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Being friendly, with cheer just on face, is not friendship! Being
friendly, with cheer even at inner heart, is the friendship!
even in action, are the leaders!
அகம்நக நட்பது நட்பு
Befriend with cheering face, isn’t friendship!
Befriend with cheering heart, is friendship!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Being friendly, with cheer just on face, is not friendship! Being
friendly, with cheer even at inner heart, is the friendship!
Those who have public-good just on speech, are not leaders! Those who have public-good even in action, are the leaders!
0787. அழிவின் அவைநீக்கி ஆறுய்த்து அழிவின்கண்
அல்லல் உழப்பதாம் நட்பு
Friendship is that eliminate and rectify the
ruin-factors, and share distress in ruin
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Friendship is that which eliminate the factors of ruin, practice
the ethical acts, and share the hardship when ruin happens!
Parents are those who weed the factors of failure, sow the success-seeds, and support by giving the shoulder when failure happens!
0788. உடுக்கை இழந்தவன் கைபோல ஆங்கே
இடுக்கண் களைவதாம் நட்பு
As hand of someone whose dress slips, that
which solves hardship is friendship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: When someone's dress is slipping off body, hand act
spontaneously! Similarly, when hardship happens; that which attempt solving immediately is
called Friendship!
diligence reduces, those who cheer up without delay are called Parents!
இடுக்கண் களைவதாம் நட்பு
As hand of someone whose dress slips, that
which solves hardship is friendship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: When someone's dress is slipping off body, hand act
spontaneously! Similarly, when hardship happens; that which attempt solving immediately is
called Friendship!
When someone's eye is approaching the danger, eyelid act instinctively! Likewise, when diligence reduces, those who cheer up without delay are called Parents!
0789. நட்பிற்கு வீற்றிருக்கை யாதெனில் கொட்பின்றி
ஒல்லும்வாய் ஊன்று நிலை
Throne of friendship is to support by
all possible ways without change
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Throne of friendship is the stance to support the stumbling
friends, in all possible ways, without change at any stage!
corruption in any pattern!
ஒல்லும்வாய் ஊன்று நிலை
Throne of friendship is to support by
all possible ways without change
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Throne of friendship is the stance to support the stumbling
friends, in all possible ways, without change at any stage!
Crown of rulers is the greatness to lead the bottommost people, in all possible ways, without corruption in any pattern!
0790. இனையர் இவர்நமக்கு இன்னம்யாம் என்று
புனையினும் புல்லென்னும் நட்பு
Boasting like “They are thus to us! We are thus!”,
will demean the friendship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Even if excessively boasted like “They are like this to us! We
are like this to them!”, quality of friendship will be ruined!
public-life will be perished!
புனையினும் புல்லென்னும் நட்பு
Boasting like “They are thus to us! We are thus!”,
will demean the friendship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Even if excessively boasted like “They are like this to us! We
are like this to them!”, quality of friendship will be ruined!
Even if falsely campaigned like “Leader is soul to us! We are soul to leader!”, nature of public-life will be perished!
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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