பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 022 - ஒப்புரவறிதல்
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 022 - Knowing the Equity (to help others)
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 022 - Knowing the Equity (to help others)
0211. கைம்மாறு வேண்டா கடப்பாடு மாரிமாட்டு
என்ஆற்றுங் கொல்லோ உலகு
Don’t expect returns for helping; how
the world can recoup rain?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Do not expect returns for the duty helping others, which
is the equity. What recoup can this world do for rain?
can children do for the motherhood?
0212. தாளாற்றித் தந்த பொருளெல்லாம் தக்கார்க்கு
வேளாண்மை செய்தற் பொருட்டு
All wealths obtained through efforts are
to help the needy
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The purpose of all wealths, which are obtained by
investing the efforts, is to help the needy with a realization on equity to help others.
uplift the incapable people with public-welfare.
0213. புத்தே ளுலகத்தும் ஈண்டும் பெறலரிதே
ஒப்புரவின் நல்ல பிற
"Helping with equity" is best goodness,
both here & in heaven
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is very difficult to obtain a better goodness, than
helping by realizing the concept of equity, both on earth and in heaven.
humane, both in family-life and outside world.
0214. ஒத்த தறவோன் உயிர்வாழ்வான் மற்றையான்
செத்தாருள் வைக்கப் படும்
Except those live with ethics of equity,
rest are considered dead
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live by following the ethics of helping with
equity, are considered as living; the rest are considered as one among the dead.
truly; the rest are known as one among the critics.
0215. ஊருணி நீர்நிறைந் தற்றே உலகவாம்
பேரறி வாளன் திரு
Wealth of rationalist is like the
pond filled with water
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The wealth of rationalist, who is aware of equity of
helping, is like the water pond; both will be indifferent in being useful to the people
of various kind.
will share their power with no difference to different souls.
0216. பயன்மரம் உள்ளூர்ப் பழுத்தற்றால் செல்வம்
நயனுடை யான்கண் படின்
Wealth of virtuous people is like
ripe tree in town
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The wealth gained by the person, who does goodness
by realizing the concept of equity in helping, is like a beneficial tree ripped in the
town center.
prominence of public welfare, is like fostering the lost hope in people's mind.
0217. மருந்தாகித் தப்பா மரத்தற்றால் செல்வம்
பெருந்தகை யான்கண் படின்
Wealth of great-man is like the tree
unfailing to be medicine
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Wealth of the great-man, who share help with equity, is
equivalent to the tree that do not fail to be medicine by all parts.
that do not fail to benefit by all means.
0218. இடனில் பருவத்தும் ஒப்புரவிற்கு ஒல்கார்
கடனறி காட்சி யவர்
Rationalists won’t fatigue to help with equity,
even during low earning
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The rationalists who know the duty of birth, will not
fatigue to help with equity, even when their earning is low.
with media-moral, even when the rating is inferior.
0220. ஒப்புரவி னால்வரும் கேடெனின் அஃதொருவன்
விற்றுக்கோள் தக்க துடைத்து
Evil from "helping with equity" is deserved even
by costing the self
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If "helping with equity" yields evil, it is deserved that one
can avail such evil even at the expense of self.
such failure even by loosing it's influence.
என்ஆற்றுங் கொல்லோ உலகு
Don’t expect returns for helping; how
the world can recoup rain?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Do not expect returns for the duty helping others, which
is the equity. What recoup can this world do for rain?
Do not get renumeration for doing hospitality, which is the prominence. What remedycan children do for the motherhood?
0212. தாளாற்றித் தந்த பொருளெல்லாம் தக்கார்க்கு
வேளாண்மை செய்தற் பொருட்டு
All wealths obtained through efforts are
to help the needy
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The purpose of all wealths, which are obtained by
investing the efforts, is to help the needy with a realization on equity to help others.
The responsibility of all people, who are grown up by realizing the humane, is touplift the incapable people with public-welfare.
ஒப்புரவின் நல்ல பிற
"Helping with equity" is best goodness,
both here & in heaven
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is very difficult to obtain a better goodness, than
helping by realizing the concept of equity, both on earth and in heaven.
It is very hard to do a better duty, than living by practicing the kindness calledhumane, both in family-life and outside world.
0214. ஒத்த தறவோன் உயிர்வாழ்வான் மற்றையான்
செத்தாருள் வைக்கப் படும்
Except those live with ethics of equity,
rest are considered dead
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live by following the ethics of helping with
equity, are considered as living; the rest are considered as one among the dead.
Those who appreciate with the virtue of neutrality, are considered as who appreciatetruly; the rest are known as one among the critics.
0215. ஊருணி நீர்நிறைந் தற்றே உலகவாம்
பேரறி வாளன் திரு
Wealth of rationalist is like the
pond filled with water
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The wealth of rationalist, who is aware of equity of
helping, is like the water pond; both will be indifferent in being useful to the people
of various kind.
The knowledge of a Guru, who know the inner self, is like the brightening sun; bothwill share their power with no difference to different souls.
0216. பயன்மரம் உள்ளூர்ப் பழுத்தற்றால் செல்வம்
நயனுடை யான்கண் படின்
Wealth of virtuous people is like
ripe tree in town
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The wealth gained by the person, who does goodness
by realizing the concept of equity in helping, is like a beneficial tree ripped in the
town center.
The designation occupied by the person, who do the public service by knowing theprominence of public welfare, is like fostering the lost hope in people's mind.
0217. மருந்தாகித் தப்பா மரத்தற்றால் செல்வம்
பெருந்தகை யான்கண் படின்
Wealth of great-man is like the tree
unfailing to be medicine
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Wealth of the great-man, who share help with equity, is
equivalent to the tree that do not fail to be medicine by all parts.
Children of the parents, who live married-life with ethics, is on par to the educationthat do not fail to benefit by all means.
0218. இடனில் பருவத்தும் ஒப்புரவிற்கு ஒல்கார்
கடனறி காட்சி யவர்
Rationalists won’t fatigue to help with equity,
even during low earning
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The rationalists who know the duty of birth, will not
fatigue to help with equity, even when their earning is low.
The journalists who know the strength of ethics, will not hesitate to continue sinceritywith media-moral, even when the rating is inferior.
0219. நயனுடையான் நல்கூர்ந்தா னாதல் செயும்நீர
செய்யாது அமைகலா வாறு
Virtuous people become indigent when they
couldn’t do the must
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The virtuous people who help by realizing the equity,
become indigent, only when the situation make them unable to do the must done
when someone prevent them from doing the given duty.
செய்யாது அமைகலா வாறு
Virtuous people become indigent when they
couldn’t do the must
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The virtuous people who help by realizing the equity,
become indigent, only when the situation make them unable to do the must done
The efficient officials who work by following the integrity, become incapable, onlywhen someone prevent them from doing the given duty.
0220. ஒப்புரவி னால்வரும் கேடெனின் அஃதொருவன்
விற்றுக்கோள் தக்க துடைத்து
Evil from "helping with equity" is deserved even
by costing the self
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If "helping with equity" yields evil, it is deserved that one
can avail such evil even at the expense of self.
If the ruling based on public-welfare can fail, it is deserved that one party can acceptsuch failure even by loosing it's influence.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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