{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 03 - துறவறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 027 - தவம்; குறள் எண்: 0270}
{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 03 - Abdication Ethics; Chapter: 027 - Penance; Kural Number: 0270}
இலர்பல ராகிய காரணம் நோற்பார்
சிலர்பலர் நோலா தவர்
There are more unconfident people, since only few
practice penance & many don't
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: People who do not have mental strength are more in numbers, because only few people are practicing the penance and many do not practice.
இலர்பல ராகிய காரணம் நோற்பார்
சிலர்பலர் நோலா தவர்
There are more unconfident people, since only few
practice penance & many don't
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: People who do not have mental strength are more in numbers, because only few people are practicing the penance and many do not practice.
Leaders who do not provide good reign are more in numbers, since only few are considering the public welfare and many do not consider.