பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 018 - அழுக்காறாமை
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 018 - Not Coveting
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 018 - Not Coveting
0171. நடுவின்றி நன்பொருள் வெஃகின் குடிபொன்றிக்
குற்றமும் ஆங்கே தரும்
Family of those covet others' properties
will perish & yield guilts
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The family of those who covet the well earned
properties of others, will be perished; additionally, it will yield guilt activities in such
destructed; besides, it will increase the evils in such party.
0172. படுபயன் வெஃகிப் பழிப்படுவ செய்யார்
நடுவன்மை நாணு பவர்
Those ashamed of non-neutrality won't do
reproachful acts of coveting
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who are ashamed on non-neutrality will not do
reproachful acts of coveting, irrespective of whatever benefit it may give.
life of ordinary people, irrespective of whatever designation it may give.
0173. சிற்றின்பம் வெஃகி அறனல்ல செய்யாரே
மற்றின்பம் வேண்டு பவர்
Who solicit the bliss won't desire
astatic joy & do unethical
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who realise the glory of bliss and solicit it, will not
desire the astatic joy and do unethical.
the farmlands.
0174. இலமென்று வெஃகுதல் செய்யார் புலம்வென்ற
புன்மையில் காட்சி யவர்
Who are wise & control senses won't
covet because they haven't
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who control the senses and eliminate the evils,
will not covet others’ things just because they do not have it.
rights of others thinking their right is superior.
0175. அஃகி அகன்ற அறிவென்னாம் யார்மாட்டும்
வெஃகி வெறிய செயின்
What’s the use of wide wisdom if
one covet others’ belongings?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What is the use of well clarified, wide wisdom - if one
behave in a witless way to covet on the belongings of everyone?
inhumane manner and destruct the self of everyone?
0176. அருள்வெஃகி ஆற்றின்கண் நின்றான் பொருள்வெஃகிப்
பொல்லாத சூழக் கெடும்
Though one desire grace & follow ethics,
"coveting" perish them still
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Though one may desire to receive the grace and follow
ethics, they will still be perished if they covet on the belonging of others.
derailed if they support the lies of others.
0177. வேண்டற்க வெஃகியாம் ஆக்கம் விளைவயின்
மாண்டற் கரிதாம் பயன்
Extorting others’ stuff should be avoided
as it won’t be beneficial
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One should avoid the habit of extorting the belongings
of others, as the outcome of such wealth will not be beneficial in the end.
the result of such acts will not be safe to human.
0178. அஃகாமை செல்வத்திற்கு யாதெனின் வெஃகாமை
வேண்டும் பிறன்கைப் பொருள்
Not coveting others' belongings is the factor
that maintains our wealth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "Goodwill" of not coveting the belongings of others,
is the factor required to keep our wealth not decreased.
necessity to maintain our search not derailed.
0180. இறலீனும் எண்ணாது வெஃகின் விறல்ஈனும்
வேண்டாமை என்னுஞ் செருக்கு
Coveting without thinking, destructs; decisive thought
of unwilling yields victory
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Coveting others' belongings, without thinking the
consequences, leads to destruction; whereas, decisive thought of unwilling the
coveting, yields victory.
assured act to prevent such destruction, will enhance the life-standard.
குற்றமும் ஆங்கே தரும்
Family of those covet others' properties
will perish & yield guilts
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The family of those who covet the well earned
properties of others, will be perished; additionally, it will yield guilt activities in such
A political party that disrupts the practices mixed with the culture of people, will bedestructed; besides, it will increase the evils in such party.
0172. படுபயன் வெஃகிப் பழிப்படுவ செய்யார்
நடுவன்மை நாணு பவர்
Those ashamed of non-neutrality won't do
reproachful acts of coveting
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who are ashamed on non-neutrality will not do
reproachful acts of coveting, irrespective of whatever benefit it may give.
Those who consider inhuman people as evil will avoid the extremisms that ruin thelife of ordinary people, irrespective of whatever designation it may give.
மற்றின்பம் வேண்டு பவர்
Who solicit the bliss won't desire
astatic joy & do unethical
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who realise the glory of bliss and solicit it, will not
desire the astatic joy and do unethical.
Those who know the worth of agriculture and love it, will not aspire money and sellthe farmlands.
0174. இலமென்று வெஃகுதல் செய்யார் புலம்வென்ற
புன்மையில் காட்சி யவர்
Who are wise & control senses won't
covet because they haven't
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who control the senses and eliminate the evils,
will not covet others’ things just because they do not have it.
Those who restrain the desire and uproot the corruptions, will not dominate therights of others thinking their right is superior.
0175. அஃகி அகன்ற அறிவென்னாம் யார்மாட்டும்
வெஃகி வெறிய செயின்
What’s the use of wide wisdom if
one covet others’ belongings?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What is the use of well clarified, wide wisdom - if one
behave in a witless way to covet on the belongings of everyone?
What is the significance of worldly recognized, special talent - if one speak withinhumane manner and destruct the self of everyone?
பொல்லாத சூழக் கெடும்
Though one desire grace & follow ethics,
"coveting" perish them still
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Though one may desire to receive the grace and follow
ethics, they will still be perished if they covet on the belonging of others.
Though one may wish to have the prominence and practice sincerity, they will still bederailed if they support the lies of others.
0177. வேண்டற்க வெஃகியாம் ஆக்கம் விளைவயின்
மாண்டற் கரிதாம் பயன்
Extorting others’ stuff should be avoided
as it won’t be beneficial
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One should avoid the habit of extorting the belongings
of others, as the outcome of such wealth will not be beneficial in the end.
One should abandon the practice of demolishing the forests meant for animals, asthe result of such acts will not be safe to human.
0178. அஃகாமை செல்வத்திற்கு யாதெனின் வெஃகாமை
வேண்டும் பிறன்கைப் பொருள்
Not coveting others' belongings is the factor
that maintains our wealth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "Goodwill" of not coveting the belongings of others,
is the factor required to keep our wealth not decreased.
The "Decorum" of not commercializing the thought process of others, is thenecessity to maintain our search not derailed.
0179. அறனறிந்து வெஃகா அறிவுடையார்ச் சேரும்
திறன்அறிந் தாங்கே திரு
"Goddess of Wealth" will identify & reach the wise
people who don't covet
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "Goddess of Wealth" will identify the ability and
reach the wise people, who knew ethics and do not covet the belongings of others.
scholars, who understand life and do not dishonor the religion of others.
திறன்அறிந் தாங்கே திரு
"Goddess of Wealth" will identify & reach the wise
people who don't covet
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "Goddess of Wealth" will identify the ability and
reach the wise people, who knew ethics and do not covet the belongings of others.
The "Greatness called Humane" will appreciate the goodness and reach thescholars, who understand life and do not dishonor the religion of others.
0180. இறலீனும் எண்ணாது வெஃகின் விறல்ஈனும்
வேண்டாமை என்னுஞ் செருக்கு
Coveting without thinking, destructs; decisive thought
of unwilling yields victory
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Coveting others' belongings, without thinking the
consequences, leads to destruction; whereas, decisive thought of unwilling the
coveting, yields victory.
Destroying the farm-lands, without realizing the impact, will trigger famine; whereas,assured act to prevent such destruction, will enhance the life-standard.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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