பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 01 - பாயிரவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 002 - வான் சிறப்பு
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 01 - Proem; Chapter: 002 - Speciality of Rain
0011. வான்நின்று உலகம் வழங்கி வருதலால்
தான்அமிழ்தம் என்றுணரற் பாற்று
As it gives (world) from-sky;
it is "Nectarous"
As it saves the world through continuous pour-down from sky, the rain should be realised as
considered as "Supreme Power".
0012. துப்பார்க்குத் துப்பாய துப்பாக்கித் துப்பார்க்குத்
துப்பாய தூஉம் மழை
Rain helps cultivating edibles;
also becomes edible
The rain that pours down from sky - not just helps the humans to cultivate the necessary foods;
but, it also becomes a part of food.
cells; but, she also becomes one of those cells.
0013. விண்இன்று பொய்ப்பின் விரிநீர் வியனுலகத்து
உள்நின்று உடற்றும் பசி
If rain fails, hunger
will torment world
If the pouring rain fails, the world that is surrounded by gigantic ocean with water - will have
no food to eat and the hunger will torment.
0014. ஏரின் உழாஅர் உழவர் புயல்என்னும்
வாரி வளங்குன்றிக் கால்
Farmers won't plow when
rain reduces income
If the resources of agriculture income is reduced following the insufficient rain, the farmers
will definitely not plow their lands.
government functionaries will surely not do their duties.
0015. கெடுப்பதூஉம் கெட்டார்க்குச் சார்வாய்மற்று ஆங்கே
எடுப்பதூஉம் எல்லாம் மழை
Ruining, (or)raising those ruined;
rain does everything
Rain - not just ruins farmers by failing to shower, but also raises them back by showering -
overall, it is capable of anything.
situation demands - thus, she is capable of anything.
0016. விசும்பின் துளிவீழின் அல்லால்மற் றாங்கே
பசும்புல் தலைகாண்பு அரிது
No rain-drops from sky;
no green anywhere
If there is no drops of rain pour down from the sky; then, it is impossible to witness even a
grass sprouting on the earth.
truthful relationship in the world.
0017. நெடுங்கடலும் தன்நீர்மை குன்றும் தடிந்தெழிலி
தான்நல்கா தாகி விடின்
"Giant ocean" looses identity;
when rain fails
If the clouds do not succeed to shower rain; even the longest and deepest ocean will loose it's
his/her strength.
0018. சிறப்பொடு பூசனை செல்லாது வானம்
வறக்குமேல் வானோர்க்கும் ஈண்டு
"Rain draught" terminates festivals
related with heaven
If the rain draughts, all the festivals and worships done for those in heaven will be terminated.
0020. நீர்இன்று அமையாது உலகெனின் யார்யார்க்கும்
வான்இன்று அமையாது ஒழுக்கு
Universe collapses without water;
so does discipline
As the universe cannot function properly without water; the discipline of "whoever it may be"
will be affected if there is no rain.
learnt properly without mother's care.
தான்அமிழ்தம் என்றுணரற் பாற்று
As it gives (world) from-sky;
it is "Nectarous"
As it saves the world through continuous pour-down from sky, the rain should be realised as
As she resurrects the family through non-stop caring by being at home, mother should beconsidered as "Supreme Power".
துப்பாய தூஉம் மழை
Rain helps cultivating edibles;
also becomes edible
The rain that pours down from sky - not just helps the humans to cultivate the necessary foods;
but, it also becomes a part of food.
The mother who works hard at home - not just gives the placenta to keep alive the biologicalcells; but, she also becomes one of those cells.
உள்நின்று உடற்றும் பசி
If rain fails, hunger
will torment world
If the pouring rain fails, the world that is surrounded by gigantic ocean with water - will have
no food to eat and the hunger will torment.
If the caring humanity ends, the earth that is divided by numerous nations with population -
will have no ethics to survive and the fear will invasive.
will have no ethics to survive and the fear will invasive.
0014. ஏரின் உழாஅர் உழவர் புயல்என்னும்
வாரி வளங்குன்றிக் கால்
Farmers won't plow when
rain reduces income
If the resources of agriculture income is reduced following the insufficient rain, the farmers
will definitely not plow their lands.
If the tax-revenue of government treasury is deteriorated because of tax-evasion, thegovernment functionaries will surely not do their duties.
0015. கெடுப்பதூஉம் கெட்டார்க்குச் சார்வாய்மற்று ஆங்கே
எடுப்பதூஉம் எல்லாம் மழை
Ruining, (or)raising those ruined;
rain does everything
Rain - not just ruins farmers by failing to shower, but also raises them back by showering -
overall, it is capable of anything.
Woman - not just resuscitates men by tolerating all sufferings, but also destroys them whensituation demands - thus, she is capable of anything.
0016. விசும்பின் துளிவீழின் அல்லால்மற் றாங்கே
பசும்புல் தலைகாண்பு அரிது
No rain-drops from sky;
no green anywhere
If there is no drops of rain pour down from the sky; then, it is impossible to witness even a
grass sprouting on the earth.
If there is no trace of splendid-love from the bottom of heart; then, it is hard to notice even onetruthful relationship in the world.
0017. நெடுங்கடலும் தன்நீர்மை குன்றும் தடிந்தெழிலி
தான்நல்கா தாகி விடின்
"Giant ocean" looses identity;
when rain fails
If the clouds do not succeed to shower rain; even the longest and deepest ocean will loose it's
If the Guru do not intend to grant blessings; even the excellently talented person will loosehis/her strength.
0018. சிறப்பொடு பூசனை செல்லாது வானம்
வறக்குமேல் வானோர்க்கும் ஈண்டு
"Rain draught" terminates festivals
related with heaven
If the rain draughts, all the festivals and worships done for those in heaven will be terminated.
If the hunger prolongs, all the travels and leisures planned for those in family will bedegenerated.
0019. தானம் தவம்இரண்டும் தங்கா வியன்உலகம்
வானம் வழங்கா தெனின்
"Donation & Penance" won't exist;
when rain disappears
If the sky do not shower rain; both the customs of donation and penance will be uprooted from
this vast universe.
eliminated from this mighty society.
வானம் வழங்கா தெனின்
"Donation & Penance" won't exist;
when rain disappears
If the sky do not shower rain; both the customs of donation and penance will be uprooted from
this vast universe.
If the mind do not realise ethics, both the characteristics of humanity and discipline will be eliminated from this mighty society.
0020. நீர்இன்று அமையாது உலகெனின் யார்யார்க்கும்
வான்இன்று அமையாது ஒழுக்கு
Universe collapses without water;
so does discipline
As the universe cannot function properly without water; the discipline of "whoever it may be"
will be affected if there is no rain.
As the birth of human cannot be possible without mother's womb; the humanity cannot belearnt properly without mother's care.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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