Sunday 3 September 2017

Kural Number: 0397 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 040 - கல்வி; குறள் எண்: 0397}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 040 - Education; Kural Number: 0397}

யாதானும் நாடாமால் ஊராமால் என்னொருவன்
சாந்துணையுங் கல்லாத வாறு

While any nation/city can be theirs, how
one don’t learn until death?

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: While the fact is that any nation/city can be native nation/city for the educated, why one do not be educated until their birth is demised?
While it is true that any home/people can be own home/people for the ruler, why politicians do not protect the public-welfare until their reign is over?

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