பால்: 2 - பொருள்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 040 - கல்வி
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 040 - Education
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 040 - Education
0391. கற்க கசடறக் கற்பவை கற்றபின்
நிற்க அதற்குத் தக
Learn whatever being learnt, without error!
After learning, live accordingly!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One should learn whatever is being learnt, without any error;
after having learnt so, they should live as they have learnt.
thought so, they should act as they have thought.
0393. கண்ணுடையர் என்பவர் கற்றோர் முகத்திரண்டு
புண்ணுடையர் கல்லா தவர்
Educated are meant having eyes; uneducated
have two wounds on face
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Only the educated persons are meant having the viewable
eyes! The uneducated are meant to have two visionless empty spaces on the face.
have understanding are meant to have two inaudible holes on the head.
0394. உவப்பத் தலைக்கூடி உள்ளப் பிரிதல்
அனைத்தே புலவர் தொழில்
Nature of Poets is gathering to cheer knowledge
and separate with dejection
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The nature of Poets, who are excellent in the language, is
gathering together to cheer & enhance the rationale, and then get separated with dejected
together to rejoice until getting the physical tiredness, and then disconnect with painful
0395. உடையார்முன் இல்லார்போல் ஏக்கற்றுங் கற்றார்
கடையரே கல்லா தவர்
Who learned, like poor before rich, is literate;
the illiterates stay last
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who learned by respecting the literates, like the poor
stand in front of rich, will become primary! Those who did not learn so, will stay last!
become elite people! Those who did not grow so, will be ordinary people!
0396. தொட்டனைத் தூறும் மணற்கேணி மாந்தர்க்குக்
கற்றனைத் தூறும் அறிவு
Fountain of well is proportional to depth; knowledge
of scholars is proportional to learning
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Fountain of the well is proportional to the depth of digging;
similarly, the knowledge-level of scholars is proportional to the amount of learning.
development of a society is based on the self-discipline of an individual.
0397. யாதானும் நாடாமால் ஊராமால் என்னொருவன்
சாந்துணையுங் கல்லாத வாறு
While any nation/city can be theirs, how
one don’t learn until death?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: While the fact is that any nation/city can be native nation/city
for the educated, why one do not be educated until their birth is demised?
politicians do not protect the public-welfare until their reign is over?
நிற்க அதற்குத் தக
Learn whatever being learnt, without error!
After learning, live accordingly!
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One should learn whatever is being learnt, without any error;
after having learnt so, they should live as they have learnt.
One should think whatever is being thought, without any ethical error; after having thought so, they should act as they have thought.
0392. எண்ணென்ப ஏனை எழுத்தென்ப இவ்விரண்டும்
கண்ணென்ப வாழும் உயிர்க்கு
Both numbers & letters are meant as
eyes for the lives
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The education like computing based on numbers and the other
education based on alphabets - these both are meant as two eyes for the living beings on
are meant as two hands for those who try to rational.
கண்ணென்ப வாழும் உயிர்க்கு
Both numbers & letters are meant as
eyes for the lives
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The education like computing based on numbers and the other
education based on alphabets - these both are meant as two eyes for the living beings on
Efforts like the search based on thoughts and the other efforts based on acts - these both are meant as two hands for those who try to rational.
0393. கண்ணுடையர் என்பவர் கற்றோர் முகத்திரண்டு
புண்ணுடையர் கல்லா தவர்
Educated are meant having eyes; uneducated
have two wounds on face
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Only the educated persons are meant having the viewable
eyes! The uneducated are meant to have two visionless empty spaces on the face.
Only who have understanding are meant having the audible ears! Those who do not have understanding are meant to have two inaudible holes on the head.
0394. உவப்பத் தலைக்கூடி உள்ளப் பிரிதல்
அனைத்தே புலவர் தொழில்
Nature of Poets is gathering to cheer knowledge
and separate with dejection
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The nature of Poets, who are excellent in the language, is
gathering together to cheer & enhance the rationale, and then get separated with dejected
The nature of relationships, which get reconnected in auspecious occasions, is gelling together to rejoice until getting the physical tiredness, and then disconnect with painful
0395. உடையார்முன் இல்லார்போல் ஏக்கற்றுங் கற்றார்
கடையரே கல்லா தவர்
Who learned, like poor before rich, is literate;
the illiterates stay last
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who learned by respecting the literates, like the poor
stand in front of rich, will become primary! Those who did not learn so, will stay last!
Those who grown by worshipping the parents, like the devotees in front of god, will become elite people! Those who did not grow so, will be ordinary people!
0396. தொட்டனைத் தூறும் மணற்கேணி மாந்தர்க்குக்
கற்றனைத் தூறும் அறிவு
Fountain of well is proportional to depth; knowledge
of scholars is proportional to learning
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Fountain of the well is proportional to the depth of digging;
similarly, the knowledge-level of scholars is proportional to the amount of learning.
Strength of an assembly is based on the quality of elected people; correspondingly, the development of a society is based on the self-discipline of an individual.
0397. யாதானும் நாடாமால் ஊராமால் என்னொருவன்
சாந்துணையுங் கல்லாத வாறு
While any nation/city can be theirs, how
one don’t learn until death?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: While the fact is that any nation/city can be native nation/city
for the educated, why one do not be educated until their birth is demised?
While it is true that any home/people can be own home/people for the ruler, why politicians do not protect the public-welfare until their reign is over?
0398. ஒருமைக்கண் தான்கற்ற கல்வி ஒருவற்கு
எழுமையும் ஏமாப் புடைத்து
Education learnt in one birth, will
benefit all seven births
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The education learnt in one birth, will not just benefit the
person in that birth but also in all seven births.
the other generations.
எழுமையும் ஏமாப் புடைத்து
Education learnt in one birth, will
benefit all seven births
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The education learnt in one birth, will not just benefit the
person in that birth but also in all seven births.
The public-work done at one time, will not just give fame to their generation but also to the other generations.
0399. தாமின் புறுவது உலகின் புறக்கண்டு
காமுறுவர் கற்றறிந் தார்
Educated feel pride, on noticing that world
feels happy with their happiness
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The educated scholars will feel pride about their education,
on noticing that the world feels happy with their happiness, which occurred due to education.
feel happy because of their daughter, who gave them happiness.
காமுறுவர் கற்றறிந் தார்
Educated feel pride, on noticing that world
feels happy with their happiness
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The educated scholars will feel pride about their education,
on noticing that the world feels happy with their happiness, which occurred due to education.
The noble parents will have eternal love on their daughter, on noticing that her parents-in-lawfeel happy because of their daughter, who gave them happiness.
0400. கேடில் விழுச்செல்வம் கல்வி யொருவற்கு
மாடல்ல மற்றை யவை
Education is an immortal-wealth for anyone;
the rest aren’t wealth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Eduction is the only immortal-wealth to anyone; any other
kind of wealth, is not wealth t all!
Only the conscience will evaluate one without error; any other kind of evaluation, is not
evaluation at all!
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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