பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 015 - பிறனில் விழையாமை
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 015 - Denying affair with others' Spouse
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 015 - Denying affair with others' Spouse
0141. பிறன்பொருளாள் பெட்டொழுகும் பேதைமை ஞாலத்து
அறம்பொருள் கண்டார்கண் இல்
Who knew all ethics will not have
affair with others' spouse
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have read and researched the globally
accepted books (like Thirukkural), which deals with ethics and wealth - will not have
an affair with the spouse of others.
and greed - will not have the thought to tease the uniqueness of others.
0142. அறன்கடை நின்றாருள் எல்லாம் பிறன்கடை
நின்றாரின் பேதையார் இல்
Among those ignore ethics, who affair
other's spouse is so ignorant
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Among those who travel by neglecting all kind of ethics;
none is more ignorant than who has an affair with the spouse of others.
the hardships of their enemies.
0143. விளிந்தாரின் வேறல்லர் மன்ற தெளிந்தாரில்
தீமை புரிந்தொழுகு வார்
Who has affair with spouse of
trusted person, is dead
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have an illegal affair - with the spouse of
someone who has completely trusted them - are not different from dead.
are not different from the animals.
0144. எனைத்துணையர் ஆயினும் என்னாம் தினைத்துணையும்
தேரான் பிறனில் புகல்
What can any reputation do, if one romances other's
spouse without "millet-sized" thinking?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What can "mountain-sized" reputation do, if one
romances the spouse of others, without even "millet-sized" thinking?
even "sesame-sized" humane?
0145. எளிதென இல்லிறப்பான் எய்துமெஞ் ஞான்றும்
விளியாது நிற்கும் பழி
Thinking it ease & romancing others' spouse,
will obtain unending blame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who think that it is ease to romance others'
spouse, will obtain the blame that will never end.
depression that will stay ever.
0146. பகைபாவம் அச்சம் பழியென நான்கும்
இகவாவாம் இல்லிறப்பான் கண்
Enmity/Sin/Fear/Blame - won't leave those who
unethically romance others' spouse
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The four factors - enmity, sin, fear and blame - will
never leave people, those deviate from ethics and misbehave with others' spouse.
there with those do corruption and extort others' rights.
0147. அறனியலான் இல்வாழ்வான் என்பான் பிறனியலாள்
பெண்மை நயவா தவன்
Who ethically live the family life, won't
like femininity of others' spouse
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who lead the family life filled with full of ethics,
will not desire the femininity of others' spouse.
self-character of their citizens.
0148. பிறன்மனை நோக்காத பேராண்மை சான்றோர்க்கு
அறனொன்றோ ஆன்ற வொழுக்கு
Heroism of not looking others' spouse is not
just ethics; but decorum too
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The heroism of not looking others’ spouse, is not just
ethics for the scholars; it is a complete decorum as well.
holy “benefit of birth” as well.
0150. அறன்வரையான் அல்ல செயினும் பிறன்வரையாள்
பெண்மை நயவாமை நன்று
Despite unethical deeds, not craving on femininity
of others' spouse is better
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Though one do not possess virtue and do unethical
deeds; it is better if they do not crave on the femininity of spouse of others.
not extort the properties of others.
அறம்பொருள் கண்டார்கண் இல்
Who knew all ethics will not have
affair with others' spouse
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have read and researched the globally
accepted books (like Thirukkural), which deals with ethics and wealth - will not have
an affair with the spouse of others.
Those who have analyzed the globally recognized determinism, concerning jealousand greed - will not have the thought to tease the uniqueness of others.
0142. அறன்கடை நின்றாருள் எல்லாம் பிறன்கடை
நின்றாரின் பேதையார் இல்
Among those ignore ethics, who affair
other's spouse is so ignorant
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Among those who travel by neglecting all kind of ethics;
none is more ignorant than who has an affair with the spouse of others.
Among those who possess all kind of devil thoughts; none is more evil than who likethe hardships of their enemies.
தீமை புரிந்தொழுகு வார்
Who has affair with spouse of
trusted person, is dead
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have an illegal affair - with the spouse of
someone who has completely trusted them - are not different from dead.
Those who have an enmity - with the family of someone who gave best hospitality -are not different from the animals.
0144. எனைத்துணையர் ஆயினும் என்னாம் தினைத்துணையும்
தேரான் பிறனில் புகல்
What can any reputation do, if one romances other's
spouse without "millet-sized" thinking?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What can "mountain-sized" reputation do, if one
romances the spouse of others, without even "millet-sized" thinking?
How can "ocean-sized" education be useful, if one hurts the heart of others, withouteven "sesame-sized" humane?
0145. எளிதென இல்லிறப்பான் எய்துமெஞ் ஞான்றும்
விளியாது நிற்கும் பழி
Thinking it ease & romancing others' spouse,
will obtain unending blame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who think that it is ease to romance others'
spouse, will obtain the blame that will never end.
Those who think to earn quick by cheating their business partner, will receive thedepression that will stay ever.
இகவாவாம் இல்லிறப்பான் கண்
Enmity/Sin/Fear/Blame - won't leave those who
unethically romance others' spouse
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The four factors - enmity, sin, fear and blame - will
never leave people, those deviate from ethics and misbehave with others' spouse.
The four devil symptoms - greed, jealous, resentment, and deception - will always bethere with those do corruption and extort others' rights.
0147. அறனியலான் இல்வாழ்வான் என்பான் பிறனியலாள்
பெண்மை நயவா தவன்
Who ethically live the family life, won't
like femininity of others' spouse
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who lead the family life filled with full of ethics,
will not desire the femininity of others' spouse.
Those who lead the democratic governance with commonality, will not destruct theself-character of their citizens.
0148. பிறன்மனை நோக்காத பேராண்மை சான்றோர்க்கு
அறனொன்றோ ஆன்ற வொழுக்கு
Heroism of not looking others' spouse is not
just ethics; but decorum too
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The heroism of not looking others’ spouse, is not just
ethics for the scholars; it is a complete decorum as well.
The humane of not objecting others’ rights, is not just basics for the human; it is aholy “benefit of birth” as well.
0149. நலக்குரியார் யாரெனின் நாமநீர் வைப்பின்
பிறர்க்குரியாள் தோள்தோயா தார்
Who don't touch others' spouse, are goodness for
the universe surrounded by oceans
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not touch the shoulder of others' spouse
- are the source of goodness for the universe, which is surrounded by the
threatening oceans.
people, who live among the frightening robbers.
பிறர்க்குரியாள் தோள்தோயா தார்
Who don't touch others' spouse, are goodness for
the universe surrounded by oceans
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not touch the shoulder of others' spouse
- are the source of goodness for the universe, which is surrounded by the
threatening oceans.
Those who do not attempt to extort others' properties - seed belief in the mind ofpeople, who live among the frightening robbers.
0150. அறன்வரையான் அல்ல செயினும் பிறன்வரையாள்
பெண்மை நயவாமை நன்று
Despite unethical deeds, not craving on femininity
of others' spouse is better
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Though one do not possess virtue and do unethical
deeds; it is better if they do not crave on the femininity of spouse of others.
Though one do not have commonality and do selfish things; it is greater if they donot extort the properties of others.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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