பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 01 - பாயிரவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 004 - அறன் வலியுறுத்தல்
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 01 - Proem; Chapter: 004 - Highlighting the Ethics
0031. சிறப்புஈனும் செல்வமும் ஈனும் அறத்தினூஉங்கு
ஆக்கம் எவனோ உயிர்க்கு
Can anything grant more "fame
& wealth" than ethics?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Is there anything better than ethics to continuously
grant us wealth and fame?
from giving birth?
0032. அறத்தினூஉங்கு ஆக்கமும் இல்லை அதனை
மறத்தலின் ஊங்கில்லை கேடு
Ethics - benefit us when pursued;
ruin us when forgotten
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Nothing is parallel to ethics in benefiting us when we
pursue it; when we forget ethics, it becomes unparalleled in ruing us as well.
factor when we loose such a friendship.
0033. ஒல்லும் வகையான் அறவினை ஓவாதே
செல்லும்வாய் எல்லாம் செயல்
Ethics should be pursued in
whatsoever we do
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: We should pursue ethics in whatever we do; we should
not try to give any excuse for not pursuing it.
a fault to avoid our affection.
0034. மனத்துக்கண் மாசிலன் ஆதல் அனைத்துஅறன்
ஆகுல நீர பிற
Only ethics can give immaculate
mind; nothing else
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One can have immaculate mind only by pursuing ethics
in everything; the other factors give fake image of such mind.
can only show like they are great.
0035. அழுக்காறு அவாவெகுளி இன்னாச்சொல் நான்கும்
இழுக்கா இயன்றது அறம்
Excluding "jealous greed anger & ill-words"
is defined as Ethics
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The definition of ethics is all about excluding Jealous,
Greed, Anger, and Ill-words from us.
Money, Woman and Liquor.
0036. அன்றறிவாம் என்னாது அறம்செய்க மற்றது
பொன்றுங்கால் பொன்றாத் துணை
Pursuing ethics, without delay, will
strengthen us at deathbed
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: We should pursue ethics without intending to postpone
it to another day; that will strengthen us while we are at deathbed.
a solid platform for their bright future.
0037. அறத்தாறு இதுவென வேண்டா சிவிகை
பொறுத்தானோடு ஊர்ந்தான் இடை
Don't define ethics by comparing
the employer & employee
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The definition of ethics should not be derived by
comparing the person who travels in the palanquin and who carries it.
grant punishment and who get punished.
0038. வீழ்நாள் படாஅமை நன்றாற்றின் அஃதொருவன்
வாழ்நாள் வழியடைக்கும் கல்
Pursuing the ethics everyday
will avoid rebirth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A right path to avoid the rebirth is pursuing the ethics
graciously, without wasting even a single day.
missing even a single day.
0040. செயற்பால தோரும் அறனே ஒருவற்கு
உயற்பால தோரும் பழி
Ethics must be necessarily pursued;
outrage must be shunned
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: For a human being, ethics is a necessity to be pursued;
and outrage is the one need to be shunned.
need to be eliminated.
ஆக்கம் எவனோ உயிர்க்கு
Can anything grant more "fame
& wealth" than ethics?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Is there anything better than ethics to continuously
grant us wealth and fame?
Is there any relation superior to mother in nurturing us through various acts apart from giving birth?
0032. அறத்தினூஉங்கு ஆக்கமும் இல்லை அதனை
மறத்தலின் ஊங்கில்லை கேடு
Ethics - benefit us when pursued;
ruin us when forgotten
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Nothing is parallel to ethics in benefiting us when we
pursue it; when we forget ethics, it becomes unparalleled in ruing us as well.
Nothing is on par to a true friendship in motivating us; we will lack that motivatingfactor when we loose such a friendship.
செல்லும்வாய் எல்லாம் செயல்
Ethics should be pursued in
whatsoever we do
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: We should pursue ethics in whatever we do; we should
not try to give any excuse for not pursuing it.
We should maintain our affection with all the relationships; we should not try to finda fault to avoid our affection.
0034. மனத்துக்கண் மாசிலன் ஆதல் அனைத்துஅறன்
ஆகுல நீர பிற
Only ethics can give immaculate
mind; nothing else
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One can have immaculate mind only by pursuing ethics
in everything; the other factors give fake image of such mind.
The politicians who maintain honesty in everything only become the greats; otherscan only show like they are great.
0035. அழுக்காறு அவாவெகுளி இன்னாச்சொல் நான்கும்
இழுக்கா இயன்றது அறம்
Excluding "jealous greed anger & ill-words"
is defined as Ethics
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The definition of ethics is all about excluding Jealous,
Greed, Anger, and Ill-words from us.
The existence of humanity will be decided by human's greedy towards Property,Money, Woman and Liquor.
0036. அன்றறிவாம் என்னாது அறம்செய்க மற்றது
பொன்றுங்கால் பொன்றாத் துணை
Pursuing ethics, without delay, will
strengthen us at deathbed
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: We should pursue ethics without intending to postpone
it to another day; that will strengthen us while we are at deathbed.
We should correct our children without waiting for them to grow up; that will createa solid platform for their bright future.
0037. அறத்தாறு இதுவென வேண்டா சிவிகை
பொறுத்தானோடு ஊர்ந்தான் இடை
Don't define ethics by comparing
the employer & employee
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The definition of ethics should not be derived by
comparing the person who travels in the palanquin and who carries it.
The conclusion on righteousness should not be drawn by comparing the person whogrant punishment and who get punished.
0038. வீழ்நாள் படாஅமை நன்றாற்றின் அஃதொருவன்
வாழ்நாள் வழியடைக்கும் கல்
Pursuing the ethics everyday
will avoid rebirth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A right path to avoid the rebirth is pursuing the ethics
graciously, without wasting even a single day.
An apt medicine for the diseases on ageing is doing exercise regularly, withoutmissing even a single day.
0039. அறத்தான் வருவதே இன்பம்மற் றெல்லாம்
புறத்த புகழு மில
Pursuing ethics is actual pleasure;
nothing else, not even fame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Pursuing the ethics can only yield the actual pleasure;
nothing else can yield such pleasure, not even the fame.
such fulfilment, not even a palace.
புறத்த புகழு மில
Pursuing ethics is actual pleasure;
nothing else, not even fame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Pursuing the ethics can only yield the actual pleasure;
nothing else can yield such pleasure, not even the fame.
Corruption-free earnings can only give the true contentment; nothing else can givesuch fulfilment, not even a palace.
0040. செயற்பால தோரும் அறனே ஒருவற்கு
உயற்பால தோரும் பழி
Ethics must be necessarily pursued;
outrage must be shunned
and outrage is the one need to be shunned.
For a political party, public welfare is the foremost duty; and selfishness is the oneneed to be eliminated.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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