பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 01 - பாயிரவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 003 - நீத்தார் பெருமை
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 01 - Proem; Chapter: 003 - Greatness of Monks
0021. ஒழுக்கத்து நீத்தார் பெருமை விழுப்பத்து
வேண்டும் பனுவல் துணிவு
Anthology must daringly praise
those live-for virtue
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Anthology should be meaningful and fearless in praising
those who live with virtue by eliminating all non-virtues.
fight for social benefit by denying any corruption.
0022. துறந்தார் பெருமை துணைக்கூறின் வையத்து
இறந்தாரை எண்ணிக்கொண் டற்று
Scaling Monk's excellence is like
counting world deaths
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The efforts to quantify the excellence of monks is like
the effort to count those who died so far in the world.
those appear in the sky.
0023. இருமை வகைதெரிந்து ஈண்டுஅறம் பூண்டார்
பெருமை பிறங்கிற்று உலகு
"Following the ethics" with rational;
gives predominant honour
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Honour of those who follow the ethics by appropriately
analysing the duality of acts, is unique.
is the best in the world.
0024. உரனென்னும் தோட்டியான் ஓரைந்தும் காப்பான்
வரனென்னும் வைப்பிற்கோர் வித்து
"Who controls five-senses" through Morale
are seeds for penance
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who controls the "elephant like" five-senses
using morale as goad; are the seeds for the land called penance.
composts to strengthen the land called "Family-life".
0025. ஐந்தவித்தான் ஆற்றல் அகல்விசும்பு ளார்கோமான்
இந்திரனே சாலுங் கரி
"King Indhiran" references the potency
of controlling "Five-senses"
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Potency of Indhra, the king of heaven, is the reference
for the potency of those who has controlled "Five-senses".
protected "Five-characters".
0026. செயற்கரிய செய்வார் பெரியர் சிறியர்
செயற்கரிய செய்கலா தார்
Scholars do impossible; Ignoramuses
couldn’t do impossible
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The scholars are capable of doing anything that is
impossible; but, the ignoramus could not do such impossible things.
complicated; but, the nuclear-families are incapable of overcoming such issues.
0027. சுவைஒளி ஊறுஓசை நாற்றமென் றைந்தின்
வகைதெரிவான் கட்டே உலகு
Those who research “Five-senses”
can mesmerise the world
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have in-depth knowledge on the five senses
such as "Taste, Light, Touch, Sound, and Smell" - can easily bring the world under
their control.
Ethic and Friendship" - can have the total control on her family members.
0028. நிறைமொழி மாந்தர் பெருமை நிலத்து
மறைமொழி காட்டி விடும்
Greatness of the proficient scholars
reflects in their literature
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The greatness of scholars who are proficient in the
language, will be reflected by their outstanding literature given to the world.
disciplined generations continuing in the society.
0030. அந்தணர் என்போர் அறவோர்மற் றெவ்வுயிர்க்கும்
செந்தண்மை பூண்டொழுக லான்
Elites are those who follow
ethics & care all life
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Elite-people are those who follow the ethics and care all
the living beings with supreme mercy.
belong to opposition with equality.
வேண்டும் பனுவல் துணிவு
Anthology must daringly praise
those live-for virtue
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Anthology should be meaningful and fearless in praising
those who live with virtue by eliminating all non-virtues.
People should be supportive and proactive in spreading the policies of those whofight for social benefit by denying any corruption.
0022. துறந்தார் பெருமை துணைக்கூறின் வையத்து
இறந்தாரை எண்ணிக்கொண் டற்று
Scaling Monk's excellence is like
counting world deaths
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The efforts to quantify the excellence of monks is like
the effort to count those who died so far in the world.
The attempt to evaluate the sacrifices of parents is like the attempt to count the starsthose appear in the sky.
பெருமை பிறங்கிற்று உலகு
"Following the ethics" with rational;
gives predominant honour
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Honour of those who follow the ethics by appropriately
analysing the duality of acts, is unique.
Justice of those who have integrity in being neutral to analyse whatever happened,is the best in the world.
0024. உரனென்னும் தோட்டியான் ஓரைந்தும் காப்பான்
வரனென்னும் வைப்பிற்கோர் வித்து
"Who controls five-senses" through Morale
are seeds for penance
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who controls the "elephant like" five-senses
using morale as goad; are the seeds for the land called penance.
Those who protects the "Himalaya like" five-characters using virtue as shield; are thecomposts to strengthen the land called "Family-life".
0025. ஐந்தவித்தான் ஆற்றல் அகல்விசும்பு ளார்கோமான்
இந்திரனே சாலுங் கரி
"King Indhiran" references the potency
of controlling "Five-senses"
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Potency of Indhra, the king of heaven, is the reference
for the potency of those who has controlled "Five-senses".
Happiness of Parent, the head of family, is the reference for the joy of those who hasprotected "Five-characters".
0026. செயற்கரிய செய்வார் பெரியர் சிறியர்
செயற்கரிய செய்கலா தார்
Scholars do impossible; Ignoramuses
couldn’t do impossible
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The scholars are capable of doing anything that is
impossible; but, the ignoramus could not do such impossible things.
The joint-families are capable of overcoming any issues those are highlycomplicated; but, the nuclear-families are incapable of overcoming such issues.
0027. சுவைஒளி ஊறுஓசை நாற்றமென் றைந்தின்
வகைதெரிவான் கட்டே உலகு
Those who research “Five-senses”
can mesmerise the world
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have in-depth knowledge on the five senses
such as "Taste, Light, Touch, Sound, and Smell" - can easily bring the world under
their control.
The mother who teaches the five feelings such as "Affection, Courtesy, Relation,Ethic and Friendship" - can have the total control on her family members.
0028. நிறைமொழி மாந்தர் பெருமை நிலத்து
மறைமொழி காட்டி விடும்
Greatness of the proficient scholars
reflects in their literature
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The greatness of scholars who are proficient in the
language, will be reflected by their outstanding literature given to the world.
The greatness of parents who are excellent in parenting, will be reflected by theirdisciplined generations continuing in the society.
0029. குணமென்னும் குன்றேறி நின்றார் வெகுளி
கணமேயும் காத்தல் அரிது
Anger of one with perfect character
won't last longer
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The anger of a person who possess perfect character
would not last even for a second.
கணமேயும் காத்தல் அரிது
Anger of one with perfect character
won't last longer
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The anger of a person who possess perfect character
would not last even for a second.
A person who mutually respect all the religions will not expose his cast-feeling evenerroneously.
0030. அந்தணர் என்போர் அறவோர்மற் றெவ்வுயிர்க்கும்
செந்தண்மை பூண்டொழுக லான்
Elites are those who follow
ethics & care all life
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Elite-people are those who follow the ethics and care all
the living beings with supreme mercy.
Great leaders are those who honestly follow the laws and also treat the peoplebelong to opposition with equality.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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