இல்வாழ்வான் என்பான் இயல்புடைய மூவர்க்கும்
நல்லாற்றின் நின்ற துணை
Family-man is who support the
three basic relatives
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One who pursue ethics in supporting the basic relatives
- Parents/Siblings/wife-children - of a family, is called family-man.
One who is sincere in continuing the primary policies - Humanity/Sublimity/
Democracy - of politics, is called leader.
துறந்தார்க்கும் துவ்வா தவர்க்கும் இறந்தார்க்கும்
இல்வாழ்வான் என்பான் துணை
Family-man is the support for
monks, poor & needy
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A family-man is a potential support for the Monks/
Poor and Needy.
A government is the bonafide responsible for the Agriculture/Inflation/and Security.
தென்புலத்தார் தெய்வம் விருந்தொக்கல் தானென்றாங்கு
ஐம்புலத்தாறு ஓம்பல் தலை
It is essential to preserve five
categories of people
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is essential to pursue the ethics and preserve the
following five categories of people: Dead/God/Guest/Neighbour and Self.
Humane is to remember the basics and protect the wealth of following five
categories of lives:: Tree/Plant/Environment/Insects/and Great-lives.
பழியஞ்சிப் பாத்தூண் உடைத்தாயின் வாழ்க்கை
வழியெஞ்சல் எஞ்ஞான்றும் இல்
Fearing the immoral & sharing the food,
make us live forever
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If we fear the immoral and share the food with
everyone, we will never die but live forever in the heart of others.
If the rulers fear the conscience and share the governance with the opposition party,
they will not get defeated in any election.
அன்பும் அறனும் உடைத்தாயின் இல்வாழ்க்கை
பண்பும் பயனும் அது
The "Merit & Benefit" of family-life
are "Love & Ethics"
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If a family-life can maintain "Love and Ethics", which are
the excellent family-qualities; it will determine the "Merit and Benefit" of a family.
If a leader can possess "Humane and Self-discipline", which are the great leadership
skills; it will establish the "Democracy and Unity" of a nation.
அறத்தாற்றின் இல்வாழ்க்கை ஆற்றின் புறத்தாற்றில்
போஒய்ப் பெறுவ எவன்
What can reward more than
"living with ethics?"
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Living with the ethics reward us the best possible
things; can anything better be obtained by from living different?
The real contentment can be obtained only by being honest in our duty; can we
achieve more by deviating from our duty?
இயல்பினான் இல்வாழ்க்கை வாழ்பவன் என்பான்
முயல்வாருள் எல்லாம் தலை
Living a typical married-life, directs
those wish to follow
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live a typical marriage-life by pursuing the
ethics, will lead the others who are trying to live such a life.
A leader who governs a systematic democracy by focusing the public-welfare, will be
an example for those who are determined to do so.
ஆற்றின் ஒழுக்கி அறனிழுக்கா இல்வாழ்க்கை
நோற்பாரின் நோன்மை உடைத்து
Family in which everyone pursue ethics,
is better than Monks
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The marriage-life of those who make sure that their
family members, also do not neglect the ethics, is greater than the mental strength of
the monks.
A leader who make sure that all of his party-men, also do not support the corruption,
is placed higher than the doctors who save lives.
அறனெனப் பட்டதே இல்வாழ்க்கை அஃதும்
பிறன்பழிப்ப தில்லாயின் நன்று
Pursuing family-life is ethics, which
is better if blameless
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Pursuing family-life is defined as ethics; it will be better
if no one can blame that life.
Rendering public-service is the characteristic of leadership; it will become history if
no one can criticise that service.
வையத்துள் வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்பவன் வானுறையும்
தெய்வத்துள் வைக்கப் படும்
Those who live characteristic “marriage-life”
are considered as god
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live the characteristic “marriage-life” on
earth, will be considered as equivalent to the god living in heaven.
Those who establish the “social-relationship” in a village, will be respected on par
with the army guarding at national borders.