Friday, 30 September 2016

Kural Number: 0059 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0059}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0059}

புகழ்புரிந்த இல்லிலோர்க்கு இல்லை இகழ்வார்முன் 
ஏறுபோல் பீடு நடை

Without having an efficient wife, one
can't walk like lion

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If one do not have an efficient wife, who brings glory to a family; then, they cannot walk like a lion - in front of others.
If one do not possess ethics, which keeps the heart peaceful; then, they cannot argue like intellectuals - against the critics.

Hindrance in any kind of relationship...

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Kural Number: 0058 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0058}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0058}

பெற்றார் பெறின்பெறுவர் பெண்டிர் பெருஞ்சிறப்புப் 
புத்தேளிர் வாழும் உலகு

Women, who have husband's warmth,
are admired as angels

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Women, those who have the warmth of their husband, will be admired as special as the angels living in heaven.
Leaders, those who have the affection of their followers, will be in the elite list of legends who made history.

Rectifying the crack in relationship...

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Kural Number: 0057 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0057}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0057}

சிறைகாக்கும் காப்புஎவன் செய்யும் மகளிர்
நிறைகாக்கும் காப்பே தலை

Not the confinement; "thought-freedom" alone
can ensure women's entirety

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What can be achieved by the "prison-like" custody?  Granting the "thought-freedom" is vital in the process of women's entirety.
What can be changed through the "strict-laws"? Establishing the "self-discipline" is first step in nurturing the humanity of society.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Kural Number: 0056 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0056}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0056}

தற்காத்துத் தற்கொண்டாற் பேணித் தகைசான்ற 
சொற்காத்துச் சோர்விலாள் பெண்

Spouse should tirelessly care themselves
and their dependents

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who tirelessly, take care of themselves and their dependents to preserve the glory of family - are called spouse.
Those who do not fail in protecting themselves and the people to establish the ethics of democracy - are called the rulers.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Kural Number: 0055 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0055}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0055}

தெய்வம் தொழாஅள் கொழுநன் தொழுதெழுவாள் 
பெய்யெனப் பெய்யும் மழை

Spouse, who worship their better-half;
can control the rain

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A spouse who wakes up and worship the better-half, instead of the almighty; can have the power to control even the rain.
Those who tend to value the heart, rather than the money; can have the ability to mesmerise anyone around them.  

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Kural Number: 0054 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0054}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0054}

பெண்ணின் பெருந்தக்க யாவுள கற்பென்னும் 
திண்மையுண் டாகப் பெறின்

What's excellent than a woman
whose heart is virgin?

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If a woman is persistent to maintain the virginity of her heart; what can be more excellent than her?
If a human-being is zealous to pursue ethics even in thought process; what can be superior to human-being?

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Kural Number: 0053 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0053}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0053}

இல்லதென் இல்லவள் மாண்பானால் உள்ளதென்
இல்லவள் மாணாக் கடை

What's impossible with dignified spouse?
What's possible with undignified?

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What will be unavailable in a family, if a spouse pursue good family-ethics and good attitude? What will be available, if a spouse is not so?
What cannot be cultivated in a farmland, if good soil and water-resource combine together? What can be cultivated, if they do not combine?

Friday, 23 September 2016

Kural Number: 0052 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0052}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0052}

மனைமாட்சி இல்லாள்கண் இல்லாயின் வாழ்க்கை
எனைமாட்சித் தாயினு மில்

A spouse without family-ethics,
nullifies all prides

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A family-life that involves a spouse who do not pursue the family-ethics; cannot be the best despite having many other prides.
The youngsters who follow someone who do not have humane; cannot be powerful despite having many other talents.

Being attached in detachment...

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Kural Number: 0051 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 006 - வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம்; குறள் எண்: 0051}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 006 - Goodness of Life-partner; Kural Number: 0051}
மனைத்தக்க மாண்புடையள் ஆகித்தற் கொண்டான்
வளத்தக்காள் வாழ்க்கைத் துணை

Dignified spouse adjusts the income
to efficiently lead family

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Possessing the dignity of family-life and having the aptitude to lead family within the life-partner's income - are the speciality of a spouse.
Pursuing the professional-ethics and doing a large-scale business to benefit the customers too - are the characteristics of an industrialist.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Chapter 005: Family Life (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்;  அதிகாரம்: 005 - இல்வாழ்க்கை
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 005 - Family Life

0041.  இல்வாழ்வான் என்பான் இயல்புடைய மூவர்க்கும் 
           நல்லாற்றின் நின்ற துணை

          Family-man is who support the
          three basic relatives

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: One who pursue ethics in supporting the basic relatives
           - Parents/Siblings/wife-children - of a family, is called family-man.
           One who is sincere in continuing the primary policies - Humanity/Sublimity/
           Democracy - of politics, is called leader.

0042.  துறந்தார்க்கும் துவ்வா தவர்க்கும் இறந்தார்க்கும் 
           இல்வாழ்வான் என்பான் துணை

           Family-man is the support for
           monks, poor & needy

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A family-man is a potential support for the Monks/
           Poor and Needy.
           A government is the bonafide responsible for the Agriculture/Inflation/and Security.

0043.  தென்புலத்தார் தெய்வம் விருந்தொக்கல் தானென்றாங்கு 
           ஐம்புலத்தாறு ஓம்பல் தலை

           It is essential to preserve five
           categories of people

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is essential to pursue the ethics and preserve the
           following five categories of people: Dead/God/Guest/Neighbour and Self.
           Humane is to remember the basics and protect the wealth of following five
           categories of lives:: Tree/Plant/Environment/Insects/and Great-lives.

0044.  பழியஞ்சிப் பாத்தூண் உடைத்தாயின் வாழ்க்கை
           வழியெஞ்சல் எஞ்ஞான்றும் இல்

           Fearing the immoral & sharing the food,
           make us live forever 

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If we fear the immoral and share the food with
           everyone, we will never die but live forever in the heart of others.
           If the rulers fear the conscience and share the governance with the opposition party,
           they will not get defeated in any election.

0045.  அன்பும் அறனும் உடைத்தாயின் இல்வாழ்க்கை 
           பண்பும் பயனும் அது

           The "Merit & Benefit" of family-life
           are "Love & Ethics"

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If a family-life can maintain "Love and Ethics", which are
           the excellent family-qualities; it will determine the "Merit and Benefit" of a family.
           If a leader can possess "Humane and Self-discipline", which are the great leadership
           skills; it will establish the "Democracy and Unity" of a nation.

0046.  அறத்தாற்றின் இல்வாழ்க்கை ஆற்றின் புறத்தாற்றில் 
           போஒய்ப் பெறுவ எவன்

           What can reward more than
           "living with ethics?"

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Living with the ethics reward us the best possible
           things; can anything better be obtained by from living different?
           The real contentment can be obtained only by being honest in our duty; can we
           achieve more by deviating from our duty?

0047.  இயல்பினான் இல்வாழ்க்கை வாழ்பவன் என்பான்
           முயல்வாருள் எல்லாம் தலை

           Living a typical married-life, directs
           those wish to follow

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live a typical marriage-life by pursuing the
           ethics, will lead the others who are trying to live such a life.
           A leader who governs a systematic democracy by focusing the public-welfare, will be
           an example for those who are determined to do so.
0048.  ஆற்றின் ஒழுக்கி அறனிழுக்கா இல்வாழ்க்கை
           நோற்பாரின் நோன்மை உடைத்து

           Family in which everyone pursue ethics,
           is better than Monks

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The marriage-life of those who make sure that their
           family members, also do not neglect the ethics, is greater than the mental strength of
           the monks.
           A leader who make sure that all of his party-men, also do not support the corruption,
           is placed higher than the doctors who save lives.

0049.  அறனெனப் பட்டதே இல்வாழ்க்கை அஃதும்
           பிறன்பழிப்ப தில்லாயின் நன்று

           Pursuing family-life is ethics, which
           is better if blameless

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Pursuing family-life is defined as ethics; it will be better
           if no one can blame that life.
           Rendering public-service is the characteristic of leadership; it will become history if
           no one can criticise that service.

0050.  வையத்துள் வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்பவன் வானுறையும் 
           தெய்வத்துள் வைக்கப் படும்

           Those who live characteristic “marriage-life”
           are considered as god

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live the characteristic “marriage-life” on
           earth, will be considered as equivalent to the god living in heaven.
           Those who establish the “social-relationship” in a village, will be respected on par
           with the army guarding at national borders.


Kural Number: 0050 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 005 - இல்வாழ்க்கை; குறள் எண்: 0050}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 005 - Family Life; Kural Number: 0050}
வையத்துள் வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்பவன் வானுறையும் 
தெய்வத்துள் வைக்கப் படும்

Those who live characteristic “marriage-life”
are considered as god

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live the characteristic “marriage-life” on earth, will be considered as equivalent to the god living in heaven.


Those who establish the “social-relationship” in a village, will be respected on par with the army guarding at national borders.


Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Kural Number: 0049 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 005 - இல்வாழ்க்கை; குறள் எண்: 0049}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 005 - Family Life; Kural Number: 0049}

அறனெனப் பட்டதே இல்வாழ்க்கை அஃதும்
பிறன்பழிப்ப தில்லாயின் நன்று

Pursuing family-life is ethics, which
is better if blameless

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Pursuing family-life is defined as ethics; it will be better if no one can blame that life.


Rendering public-service is the characteristic of leadership; it will become history if no one can criticise that service.


Monday, 19 September 2016

Kural Number: 0048 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 005 - இல்வாழ்க்கை; குறள் எண்: 0048}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 005 - Family Life; Kural Number: 0048}

ஆற்றின் ஒழுக்கி அறனிழுக்கா இல்வாழ்க்கை
நோற்பாரின் நோன்மை உடைத்து

Family in which everyone pursue ethics,
is better than Monks

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The marriage-life of those who make sure that their family members, also do not neglect the ethics, is greater than the mental strength of the monks.


A leader who make sure that all of his party-men, also do not support the corruption, is placed higher than the doctors who save lives.


Sunday, 18 September 2016

Kural Number: 0047 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 1 - அறத்துப்பால்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 005 - இல்வாழ்க்கை; குறள் எண்: 0047}

{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 005 - Family Life; Kural Number: 0047}

இயல்பினான் இல்வாழ்க்கை வாழ்பவன் என்பான்
முயல்வாருள் எல்லாம் தலை

Living a typical married-life, directs
those wish to follow

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who live a typical marriage-life by pursuing the ethics, will lead the others who are trying to live such a life.


A leader who governs a systematic democracy by focusing the public-welfare, will be an example for those who are determined to do so.


Saturday, 17 September 2016

Oh my "Innocents"

       Two days ago, one more innocent youngster has lost his life by setting fire on himself - just because of some selfish people who conduct dirty politics, based on the emotions called - "Tamil and Tamilians". Like the one set fire on himself during the issue of "Tamil Eelam", another incident has happened. The true worrying factor is the following: These parties claim that they fight for "Tamil and Tamilians". Often, the dramas they stage are based mainly on 2 issues - "Tamil Eelam" and "Cauvery Water Dispute", which actually affects the Tamilians live outside Tamilandu (TN). But, their do lead to death of Tamilains in TN itself. I do agree that such incidents are triggered by the other political parties as well, but they are based on the issues happening inside TN.

       In my opinion, I consider the following two political parties as more dangerous: 1. A political party that is 23 years old, which is based on "Tamil and Tamilians". Its leader has walked out of another party and created his own; but, he is even unable to find a different name for his party, which resembles more to his parent-party. 2. The other party is just 2 / 3 years old, which is also based on the same "Tamil and Tamilians" factors. Its leader has at least named his party a different name from other parties. However, he is more emotional oriented and he claims himself that he is doing "Revolution", which is totally unnecessary and unrelated with the current situation in TN. Based on the negative impact he makes on the youngsters - the second one is more dangerous than the first.

       The only common thing between these both is - Mr. Prabakaran (founder and leader of LTTE). Most of the small crowd who are behind these parties are the "true followers" of Mr. Prabakarn. However, these two leaders are actually insulting the great Mr. Prabakarn, by doing such a dirty politics. While they claim others as "Traitors", I tend to think that they are the actual traitors. Let them at least do something good for the Srilankan Tamilians (as refugees) in TN; not even the Tamilians in Srilanka. If they really want to fight for the Tamilians who are affected outside TN, they should go there and fight - that is an apt way. Okay, let us leave out "Tamil Eelam" issue; because they may quote Visa and other related issues as hindrance - and that is acceptable too.

      But, what stops them from reaching Bangalore and fight for the Tamilians who are struggling there? There can be no busses; but, they do have sophisticated cars those are presented by the global Tamilians. If they do not have money to fuel the vehicle, we can fund them. What is the use of "dramatical dialogues" they shout on the stages in TN? That drama is too okay if it ends up in something useful. But, only the innocents like aforementioned are loosing their lives as the result. How cruel it is? Are these deaths are "untruthful" to the Tamil and Tamilians? After how many more such deaths, they will change their approach? I have the following queries to such politicians:
  • Let them not even fight against the people who trouble the Tamilians outside TN. They could at least go there and discuss with the government officials there; can't they? Why they deny to do so?
  • I am not disagreeing with the fact that such things will be more effective when it is done by the ruling party. But instead of giving free advice - to do this and that, to the ruling party - can't  they actually go there and do it themselves?
  • It is not acceptable that if they say like - one need the ruling and authority - to do such things; as a leader of any political party, any one could discuss with the officials there.
  • The opposition leader is complaining that the TN chief minister is just making requests by writing letters; I completely agree with it. But again, instead of telling to do this and that - why cant 't they do it themselves? As an opposition party, they too have the rights to fight for people of TN; isn't it?
  • All the oppositions claim that the speaker of state assembly is not neutral and so they walk out; I too agree with it. But, who can control the politicians from opposition parties from going to Bangalore and discuss the issues?
  • I am sure it is going to remain like this forever as I have mentioned in the yesterday's writeup. As the current opposition party men say often, it is true that - "The ruling will change! But, not the scenes!!". Like the bilingual movie - only the characters of the actors will change (Ruling/Opposition) - but the story will remain same.
        I do not think that there it is correct to criticise the politicians; at least the current politicians. Let them not do the good to anywhere near our expectations. Like I said yesterday, let them at least make sure that no "Common Innocent People" is affected. Or at the least extent, let them make sure that they take care of their "Innocent Followers". For that, they should avoid delivering such "emotional speeches". Even today, the leader of that 23 year old party accuse the Karnataka government without any evidence (like he did with the opposition parties during last TN assembly election). He continued to claim that TN will become like "Ethiopia". Do he, by nay chance, "indirectly" refer that if the politicians like him are not eliminated - TN will become so?

      Let them keep continuing their dirty politics in the same manner - let it be their choice. Oh my innocent followers behind them! Even in a family - emotion and domination - will not do any good! In fact, the increasing number of divorces - prove just that. If that is the case, how come - emotion/domination/revolution - will help doing good in a country's politics? Let those leaders do not realise it forever; neither their life nor their family is going to affected because of their faults. So, at least - you, the followers! please realise this fact and then follow them. I have no rights to say to not to follow them; but, I do have the rights to ask you to be careful. Try to remember...

any one among your - "Parents/Wife-Kids/Siblings/Friends/Relatives";
and avoid such stupid "emotional acts"!!!