பால்: 2 - பொருள்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 051 - தெரிந்து தெளிதல்
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 051 - Clarity by Knowing
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 051 - Clarity by Knowing
0501. அறம்பொருள் இன்பம் உயிரச்சம் நான்கின்
திறந்தெரிந்து தேறப் படும்
"Ethics/Possession/Pleasure/Fear-of-life" - Potential
of these four be known and evaluated
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: "Ethics/Possession/Pleasure and Fear-of-life" - Someone should
be evaluated only after knowing the potential of these four factors.
realizing the importance of these four factors.
0502. குடிப்பிறந்து குற்றத்தின் நீங்கி வடுப்பரியும்
நாணுடையான் சுட்டே தெளிவு
Confide those born in ethical family, without guilt,
and shy by fearing blame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who are born in a family that realized the ethics/have
eliminated the guilts/and shy by fearing the deeds those give blame - should be identified and
corruption/and fight by avoiding the coalition that will destroy the ethics - should be realized
and admired.
0503. அரியகற்று ஆசற்றார் கண்ணும் தெரியுங்கால்
இன்மை அரிதே வெளிறு
Even those who learnt the rare and are faultless,
can rarely be without ignorance
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If we know and have clarity about the scholars, who have learnt
the rare and be faultless; it will be understood that even they can rarely be without ignorance.
no evil; it will be known that it is impossible even for them to be without cheap-pleasure.
கருமமே கட்டளைக் கல்
Deed is the touchstone for their
greatness and meanness
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It should be known that the deeds of someone are the basic for
the greatness and meanness character of them, before having the clarity.
inferior discipline of the society, before criticizing.
0507. காதன்மை கந்தா அறிவறியார்த் தேறுதல்
பேதைமை எல்லாந் தரும்
Confiding those don't realize the knowledge,
owing affection, gives all ignorance
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Confiding those who do not know the speciality of rational,
owing the affection on them; will give all kinds of ignorance.
will yield all the evils.
திறந்தெரிந்து தேறப் படும்
"Ethics/Possession/Pleasure/Fear-of-life" - Potential
of these four be known and evaluated
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: "Ethics/Possession/Pleasure and Fear-of-life" - Someone should
be evaluated only after knowing the potential of these four factors.
"Basic/Potentiality/Need and Transcience" - A relationship should be accompanied only after realizing the importance of these four factors.
0502. குடிப்பிறந்து குற்றத்தின் நீங்கி வடுப்பரியும்
நாணுடையான் சுட்டே தெளிவு
Confide those born in ethical family, without guilt,
and shy by fearing blame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who are born in a family that realized the ethics/have
eliminated the guilts/and shy by fearing the deeds those give blame - should be identified and
Those who have unified in the policy that realized the equality/have opposed the corruption/and fight by avoiding the coalition that will destroy the ethics - should be realized
and admired.
0503. அரியகற்று ஆசற்றார் கண்ணும் தெரியுங்கால்
இன்மை அரிதே வெளிறு
Even those who learnt the rare and are faultless,
can rarely be without ignorance
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If we know and have clarity about the scholars, who have learnt
the rare and be faultless; it will be understood that even they can rarely be without ignorance.
If we closely socialize with the virtuous people, who have practiced the good habits and have no evil; it will be known that it is impossible even for them to be without cheap-pleasure.
0504. குணம்நாடிக் குற்றமும் நாடி அவற்றுள்
மிகைநாடி மிக்க கொளல்
Examine both the character and offense,
and take the surplus among them
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Both the good character and evil-deeds of someone should be
deeply examined, and have clarity by knowing as which is excess among them.
rational to know which is higher among them.
0505. பெருமைக்கும் ஏனைச் சிறுமைக்கும் தத்தம்மிகைநாடி மிக்க கொளல்
Examine both the character and offense,
and take the surplus among them
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Both the good character and evil-deeds of someone should be
deeply examined, and have clarity by knowing as which is excess among them.
Both the public-service and selfishness of a regime should be neutrally analyzed, and should rational to know which is higher among them.
கருமமே கட்டளைக் கல்
Deed is the touchstone for their
greatness and meanness
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It should be known that the deeds of someone are the basic for
the greatness and meanness character of them, before having the clarity.
It should be realized that the discipline of the individual is the factor for the superior and inferior discipline of the society, before criticizing.
0506. அற்றாரைத் தேறுதல் ஓம்புக மற்றவர்
பற்றிலர் நாணார் பழி
Don't confide the empty people since they
are uncommitted and don't shy blame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not have the ethical-oriented fear, do not shy for
any blame since they do not have any bonding! Hence, do not have clarity by confiding them.
have any assurance! So, it is fault to continue the relationship with them.
பற்றிலர் நாணார் பழி
Don't confide the empty people since they
are uncommitted and don't shy blame
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not have the ethical-oriented fear, do not shy for
any blame since they do not have any bonding! Hence, do not have clarity by confiding them.
Those who do not know the strength of truth, do not hesitate for anything since they do not have any assurance! So, it is fault to continue the relationship with them.
0507. காதன்மை கந்தா அறிவறியார்த் தேறுதல்
பேதைமை எல்லாந் தரும்
Confiding those don't realize the knowledge,
owing affection, gives all ignorance
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Confiding those who do not know the speciality of rational,
owing the affection on them; will give all kinds of ignorance.
Following those who do not realize the basic of human, because of the attraction on them; will yield all the evils.
0508. தேரான் பிறனைத் தெளிந்தான் வழிமுறை
தீரா இடும்பை தரும்
Confiding others without examining, will give
unsolvable hardship to followers
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Followers of those who confide others by believing what many
say, without examination, will also experience unsolvable hardships.
thinking, will also have irreparable indiscipline.
தீரா இடும்பை தரும்
Confiding others without examining, will give
unsolvable hardship to followers
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Followers of those who confide others by believing what many
say, without examination, will also experience unsolvable hardships.
Progeny of those who connect into a relationship by seeing the external factors, without thinking, will also have irreparable indiscipline.
0509. தேறற்க யாரையும் தேராது தேர்ந்தபின்
தேறுக தேறும் பொருள்
Don't clarify anyone without analysis; if done,
clarify those need to be clarified
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Do not clarify anyone who is unknown, without analysis! If
happened so, the things which are needed for clarification should be analyzed, and get
merits which are required for acceptance should be analyzed, and examine the accepted!
தேறுக தேறும் பொருள்
Don't clarify anyone without analysis; if done,
clarify those need to be clarified
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Do not clarify anyone who is unknown, without analysis! If
happened so, the things which are needed for clarification should be analyzed, and get
Do not accept a relationship which is improper, without realization! If happened so, the merits which are required for acceptance should be analyzed, and examine the accepted!
0510. தேரான் தெளிவும் தெளிந்தான்கண் ஐயுறவும்
தீரா இடும்பை தரும்
Confiding without analysis/suspecting after confiding;
both yield irresolvable hardship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Confiding someone without analyzing and/or Suspecting
someone who is confided - both will yield irresolvable hardship.
relationship - both will create endless complication.
தீரா இடும்பை தரும்
Confiding without analysis/suspecting after confiding;
both yield irresolvable hardship
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Confiding someone without analyzing and/or Suspecting
someone who is confided - both will yield irresolvable hardship.
Connecting into a relationship without thinking and/or Deeply thinking about the connected relationship - both will create endless complication.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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