{Division: 1 - Ethics ; Section: 03 - Abdication Ethics; Chapter: 036 - Perceiving the Truth; Kural Number: 0354}
ஐயுணர்வு எய்தியக் கண்ணும் பயமின்றே
மெய்யுணர்வு இல்லா தவர்க்கு
Controlling five-senses is useless, if one
don't have sense of truth
மெய்யுணர்வு இல்லா தவர்க்கு
Controlling five-senses is useless, if one
don't have sense of truth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Even if one have ability to control the five-senses, it is still useless if they could not analyze everything and have a sense of truth.
Even if one have strength to control the five-elements, there is still no life if they do not warmth the family members and be submissive to love.