{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மை; குறள் எண்: 0547}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0547}
முறைகாக்கும் முட்டாச் செயின்
Ruler protects the entire world; if unbiased,
scepter protects the ruler
scepter protects the ruler
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The rulers will protect the entire country! Only the scepter that do not err the neutrality, will protect the rulers themselves!
The militants will establish all the rights! Only the discipline that do not violate the ethical-path, will establish the militants themselves!
Link: Explanation in Tamil