Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Kural Number: 0547 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மைகுறள் எண்: 0547}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0547}

இறைகாக்கும் வையகம் எல்லாம் அவனை
முறைகாக்கும் முட்டாச் செயின்

Ruler protects the entire world; if unbiased,
scepter protects the ruler

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The rulers will protect the entire country! Only the scepter that do not err the neutrality, will protect the rulers themselves!

The militants will establish all the rights! Only the discipline that do not violate the ethical-path, will establish the militants themselves!

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Kural Number: 0546 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மைகுறள் எண்: 0546}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0546}

வேல்அன்று வென்றி தருவது மன்னவன்
கோல்அதூஉம் கோடாது எனின்

It's not spear that yields victory; it's
king's scepter, also if unbiased!

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is not the spear that yields the victory for a reign! The scepter of a king is the primary reason; furthermore, that scepter also need to be unbiased!
It is not the wealth that adds the specialty to a family! The self-discipline of the members is the primary; further, that discipline also need to be without defect!

Monday, 29 January 2018

Kural Number: 0545 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மைகுறள் எண்: 0545}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0545}

இயல்புளிக் கோல்ஓச்சும் மன்னவன் நாட்ட
பெயலும் விளையுளும் தொக்கு

County of a king with right scepter,
have rain and yields together

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The amount of rain and the yields of crops will be increased together, in the country, where the king conduct the government with the right scepter.
The amount of ethical-acts and the growth of humane will be rightly mixed, in the village, where the people conduct the family-life with the basic of relationship.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Kural Number: 0544 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மைகுறள் எண்: 0544}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0544}

குடிதழீஇக் கோலோச்சும் மாநில மன்னன்
அடிதழீஇ நிற்கும் உலகு

World follows the country's king, who embrace 
the citizens and establish the scepter

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The people will get positioned by following the path of the rulers, who rule the county by establishing the scepter and embrace the citizens with love.
The children will follow by practicing the nature of parents, who conduct the family by teaching the sincerity and practice the family with ethics.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Kural Number: 0543 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மைகுறள் எண்: 0543}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0543}

அந்தணர் நூற்கும் அறத்திற்கும் ஆதியாய்
நின்றது மன்னவன் கோல்

King's scepter is base for scriptures
and ethics of quality people

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The morality established by king's scepter; is the base for the scriptures learned by the people who are best in quality, and also their ethics.

The mercy seeded by the relationships of family; is the diligence for the discipline followed by those who won in public-life, and also their affection.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Kural Number: 0542 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மைகுறள் எண்: 0542}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0542}

வான்நோக்கி வாழும் உலகெல்லாம் மன்னவன்
கோல்நோக்கி வாழும் குடி

World live, based on sky; citizens
live, based on king's scepter

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: As the life of lives on earth is based on the amount of rain, the life of citizens will be based on the scepter of a king.
As the function of body-organs is based on the nature of cells, the action of human will be based on the thoughts in a mind.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Kural Number: 0541 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 055 - செங்கோன்மைகுறள் எண்: 0541}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 055 - The Scepter; Kural Number: 0541}

ஓர்ந்துகண் ணோடாது இறைபுரிந்து யார்மாட்டும்
தேர்ந்துசெய் வஃதே முறை

Being unbiased, having divinity, and
clarifying whomsoever, is system

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The scepter is being unbiased and having divinity; in order to deeply analyze whomsoever without bias and provide the justice with clarity.
The protest is securing the normal life and conducting it nonviolently; in order to deeply realize the policy and establish the rights with truth.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Chapter 054: Being Without Oblivion (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

பால்: 2 - பொருள்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்;  அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமை
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion

0531.  இறந்த வெகுளியின் தீதே சிறந்த
           உவகை மகிழ்ச்சியிற் சோர்வு

           Oblivion resulting from extreme happiness is 
           more evil than exorbitant anger

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The oblivion that results from the tiredness of cheering during 
           happy moment, is much more evil than the exorbitant anger.
           The degradation that results from the improper deeds of surplus freedom, is much more 
           dangerous than the continuous slavery.

0532.  பொச்சாப்புக் கொல்லும் புகழை அறிவினை
           நிச்ச நிரப்புக்கொன் றாங்கு

           As perpetual poverty kills the wisdom,
           oblivion will kill the glory

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: As the perpetual poverty shrink and destroy the wisdom, the 
           defect called oblivion, will destroy the glory.
           As the irresolvable confusion decimate and dissipate the thought, the arrogance called me, 
           will decimate the humane.

0533.  பொச்சாப்பார்க்கு இல்லை புகழ்மை அதுஉலகத்து
           எப்பால்நூ லோர்க்கும் துணிவு

           No fame for who have oblivion; this applies
           to whomsoever learnt whatsoever

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is impossible for those who have the defect called oblivion, to 
           reach the fame! This is a common notion to those who learnt whatever kind of education on 
           the world.
           It is rare for those who have the arrogance called me, to obtain the birth-benefit! This is a 
           common rule to those who have whatever type of power on the earth.

0534.  அச்சம் உடையார்க்கு அரணில்லை ஆங்கில்லை
           பொச்சாப்பு உடையார்க்கு நன்கு

           No bulwark for who have fear; similarly,
           no benefit for who have oblivion

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Nothing will give protection to those who have fear! Similarly, 
           nothing will give benefit to those who have oblivion.
           No relationship will give hope to those who have doubt! Comparably, nothing will give 
           happiness to those who have jealous.

0535.  முன்உறக் காவாது இழுக்கியான் தன்பிழை
           பின்ஊறு இரங்கி விடும்

           Who fail to prepare in advance, will regret
           their error, after hardships

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who fail to plan in advance for the forthcoming 
           hardships, owing oblivion; will recall and regret their oblivion after facing the hardships.
           Those who deny to prepare at young for the diseases at aging, owing sloth; will remember 
           and regret their sloth after reaching the senility.

0536.  இழுக்காமை யார்மாட்டும் என்றும் வழுக்காமை
           வாயின் அதுஒப்பது இல்

           Nothing peers the happening of not swerving
           with anyone/any-day, without fail

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the stance of not having oblivion with anyone/any-day, 
           happens without fail; there is nothing else that can be equally beneficial.
           If the flawless social-concern be in any-creation/anyway, on continuous basis; there is 
           nothing else that can give comparable birth-benefit.

அரியஎன்று ஆகாத இல்லைபொச் சாவாக்
           கருவியால் போற்றிச் செயின்

           If it's determined to do without oblivion,
           nothing is rare to be done

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the deeds are done with a zealous mind to eliminate the 
           oblivion, there is no deed that is rare and impossible to be done.
           If the struggles are conducted with a firm support that can destroy the retreat, there is no issue 
           that is challenging and be irresolvable.

0538.  புகழ்ந்தவை போற்றிச் செயல்வேண்டும் செய்யாது
           இகழ்ந்தார்க்கு எழுமையும் இல்

           Do admire the renowned things; no benefit
           for who forget, in seven births

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The renowned things like "Thirukkural" should be admired and 
           followed; there is no benefit in all seven births, for those who forget to do so.
           The splendid things like "Infant" should be felt and experienced; there is no happiness in all 
           seven tunes, for those who fail to do so.

0539.  இகழ்ச்சியின் கெட்டாரை உள்ளுக தாம்தம்
           மகிழ்ச்சியின் மைந்துறும் போழ்து

           When feeling strengthened on our exultation, should 
           remember those who spoilt of oblivion

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: When the mental-strength is obtained following our huge-
           happiness, one should remember those who were spoilt because of oblivion.
           When the economy is developed following our big-business, one should recall those who lost 
           their life because of arrogance. 

0540.  உள்ளியது எய்தல் எளிதுமன் மற்றுந்தான்
           உள்ளியது உள்ளப் பெறின்

           Reaching the target becomes easy, if the
           target is continuously remembered

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is very easy to reach the intended target, if we do not forget 
           our target and continuing assured.
           It is very easy to obtain the birth-benefit, if we do not contempt our birth and live with 

Kural Number: 0540 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0540}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0540}

உள்ளியது எய்தல் எளிதுமன் மற்றுந்தான்
உள்ளியது உள்ளப் பெறின்

Reaching the target becomes easy, if the
target is continuously remembered

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is very easy to reach the intended target, if we do not forget our target and continuing assured.
It is very easy to obtain the birth-benefit, if we do not contempt our birth and live with morality.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Kural Number: 0539 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0539}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0539}

இகழ்ச்சியின் கெட்டாரை உள்ளுக தாம்தம்
மகிழ்ச்சியின் மைந்துறும் போழ்து

When feeling strengthened on our exultation, should 
remember those who spoilt of oblivion

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: When the mental-strength is obtained following our huge-happiness, one should remember those who were spoilt because of oblivion.
When the economy is developed following our big-business, one should recall those who lost their life because of arrogance.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Kural Number: 0538 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0538}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0538}

புகழ்ந்தவை போற்றிச் செயல்வேண்டும் செய்யாது
இகழ்ந்தார்க்கு எழுமையும் இல்

Do admire the renowned things; no benefit
for who forget, in seven births

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The renowned things like "Thirukkural" should be admired and followed; there is no benefit in all seven births, for those who forget to do so.
The splendid things like "Infant" should be felt and experienced; there is no happiness in all seven tunes, for those who fail to do so.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Kural Number: 0537 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0537}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0537}

அரியஎன்று ஆகாத இல்லைபொச் சாவாக்
கருவியால் போற்றிச் செயின்

If it's determined to do without oblivion,
nothing is rare to be done

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the deeds are done with a zealous mind to eliminate the oblivion, there is no deed that is rare and impossible to be done.
If the struggles are conducted with a firm support that can destroy the retreat, there is no issue that is challenging and be irresolvable.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Kural Number: 0536 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0536}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0536}

இழுக்காமை யார்மாட்டும் என்றும் வழுக்காமை
வாயின் அதுஒப்பது இல்

Nothing peers the happening of not swerving
with anyone/any-day, without fail

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the stance of not having oblivion with anyone/any-day, happens without fail; there is nothing else that can be equally beneficial.
If the flawless social-concern be in any-creation/anyway, on continuous basis; there is nothing else that can give comparable birth-benefit.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Kural Number: 0535 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0535}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0535}

முன்உறக் காவாது இழுக்கியான் தன்பிழை
பின்ஊறு இரங்கி விடும்

Who fail to prepare in advance, will regret
their error, after hardships

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who fail to plan in advance for the forthcoming hardships, owing oblivion; will recall and regret their oblivion after facing the hardships.
Those who deny to prepare at young for the diseases at aging, owing sloth; will remember and regret their sloth after reaching the senility.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Kural Number: 0534 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0534}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0534}

அச்சம் உடையார்க்கு அரணில்லை ஆங்கில்லை
பொச்சாப்பு உடையார்க்கு நன்கு

No bulwark for who have fear; similarly,
no benefit for who have oblivion

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Nothing will give protection to those who have fear! Similarly, nothing will give benefit to those who have oblivion.

No relationship will give hope to those who have doubt! Comparably, nothing will give happiness to those who have jealous.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Kural Number: 0533 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 054 - பொச்சாவாமைகுறள் எண்: 0533}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 054 - Being Without Oblivion; Kural Number: 0533}

பொச்சாப்பார்க்கு இல்லை புகழ்மை அதுஉலகத்து
எப்பால்நூ லோர்க்கும் துணிவு

No fame for who have oblivion; this applies
to whomsoever learnt whatsoever

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is impossible for those who have the defect called oblivion, to reach the fame! This is a common notion to those who learnt whatever kind of education on the world.
It is rare for those who have the arrogance called me, to obtain the birth-benefit! This is a common rule to those who have whatever type of power on the earth.