பால்: 2 - பொருள்; இயல்: 05 - அரசியல்; அதிகாரம்: 053 - சுற்றந்தழால்
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 053 - Impact of Relationship
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 05 - Politics; Chapter: 053 - Impact of Relationship
0521. பற்றற்ற கண்ணும் பழைமைபா ராட்டுதல்
சுற்றத்தார் கண்ணே உள
Neighbors have the habit of appreciating the past,
even with someone who has nothing
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The neighbors have the speciality of appreciating the past life of
someone and strengthen them, even when they have lost everything.
the leader is not alive.
0522. விருப்பறாச் சுற்றம் இயையின் அருப்பறா
ஆக்கம் பலவும் தரும்
Neighbors with unallayed love, give many
wealths with unallayed growth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If one gets the neighbors with an indestructible love, it will give
many wealths with an indestructible development.
with flawless discipline.
0523. அளவளா வில்லாதான் வாழ்க்கை குளவளாக்
கோடின்றி நீர்நிறைந் தற்று
Life of those who don't socialize, resembles
the water-filled pool has not boundary
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Life of those who do not live by socializing with the relatives
and friends, is like the pool that has no boundary is filled with water.
the seeds in the land that has no life.
சுற்றத்தால் சுற்றப் படும்
If we give and speak pleasant words, will
be surrounded by more neighbors
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Sharing the being and speaking pleasant language - if these two
are practiced, increasing neighbors will always be surrounding us.
following all the time.
0527. காக்கை கரவா கரைந்துண்ணும் ஆக்கமும்
அன்னநீ ரார்க்கே உள
Crow conceal not, invite and eat; wealth
also be with people of such nature
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The wealth will belong to those who have the characteristic like
the crows, which is not to conceal but invite the neighbors and eat by sharing the available.
refuse but collect the students and feel happy by teaching what is learnt.
சுற்றத்தார் கண்ணே உள
Neighbors have the habit of appreciating the past,
even with someone who has nothing
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The neighbors have the speciality of appreciating the past life of
someone and strengthen them, even when they have lost everything.
The people have the nature of recalling the great regime of a leader and wonder it, even when the leader is not alive.
0522. விருப்பறாச் சுற்றம் இயையின் அருப்பறா
ஆக்கம் பலவும் தரும்
Neighbors with unallayed love, give many
wealths with unallayed growth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If one gets the neighbors with an indestructible love, it will give
many wealths with an indestructible development.
If a family gets the family-leader with immortal truth, that family will have many qualities with flawless discipline.
0523. அளவளா வில்லாதான் வாழ்க்கை குளவளாக்
கோடின்றி நீர்நிறைந் தற்று
Life of those who don't socialize, resembles
the water-filled pool has not boundary
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Life of those who do not live by socializing with the relatives
and friends, is like the pool that has no boundary is filled with water.
Function of those who do not analyze by comparing the thought and action, is like sowing the seeds in the land that has no life.
0524. சுற்றத்தால் சுற்றப் படஒழுகல் செல்வம்தான்
பெற்றத்தால் பெற்ற பயன்
Living by surrounded with neighbors, is the
use of wealth gained by someone
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The real use of wealth gained by someone is living by
surrounded with their relatives and friends.
thought and action.
0525. கொடுத்தலும் இன்சொலும் ஆற்றின் அடுக்கியபெற்றத்தால் பெற்ற பயன்
Living by surrounded with neighbors, is the
use of wealth gained by someone
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The real use of wealth gained by someone is living by
surrounded with their relatives and friends.
The permanent reputation of birth obtained by someone is adding the public-welfare in their thought and action.
சுற்றத்தால் சுற்றப் படும்
If we give and speak pleasant words, will
be surrounded by more neighbors
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Sharing the being and speaking pleasant language - if these two
are practiced, increasing neighbors will always be surrounding us.
Doing good and being simple - if these two are followed, the best volunteers will be following all the time.
0526. பெருங்கொடையான் பேணான் வெகுளி அவனின்
மருங்குடையார் மாநிலத்து இல்
On wide world, none have more neighbors
than who give more and haven't anger
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: On this wide world, there is no one else who have huge
neighbors than those who give more and do not have anger.
continuously and do not have doubt.
மருங்குடையார் மாநிலத்து இல்
On wide world, none have more neighbors
than who give more and haven't anger
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: On this wide world, there is no one else who have huge
neighbors than those who give more and do not have anger.
On this vast society, there is no one else who have more peace than those who work continuously and do not have doubt.
0527. காக்கை கரவா கரைந்துண்ணும் ஆக்கமும்
அன்னநீ ரார்க்கே உள
Crow conceal not, invite and eat; wealth
also be with people of such nature
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The wealth will belong to those who have the characteristic like
the crows, which is not to conceal but invite the neighbors and eat by sharing the available.
The wisdom will belong to those who have the initiative like the teachers, which is not to refuse but collect the students and feel happy by teaching what is learnt.
0528. பொதுநோக்கான் வேந்தன் வரிசையா நோக்கின்
அதுநோக்கி வாழ்வார் பலர்
If king don't generalize but view the merit,
many will live based on it
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the king do not commonly view everyone but analyze the
individual talent of each one, many will observe that ability and live by surrounding the king.
each one, many will utilize it and will progress by studying in those institutions.
அதுநோக்கி வாழ்வார் பலர்
If king don't generalize but view the merit,
many will live based on it
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If the king do not commonly view everyone but analyze the
individual talent of each one, many will observe that ability and live by surrounding the king.
If the educational institutions do not treat everyone as rich but realize the convenience of each one, many will utilize it and will progress by studying in those institutions.
0529. தமராகிக் தற்றுறந்தார் சுற்றம் அமராமைக்
காரணம் இன்றி வரும்
Those who were our neighbors but left,
will return following no reason
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who were among one of our neighbors but left us, will
return back when they realize that the reason for breaking away is incorrect.
realize that the effect of seceding is bad.
காரணம் இன்றி வரும்
Those who were our neighbors but left,
will return following no reason
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who were among one of our neighbors but left us, will
return back when they realize that the reason for breaking away is incorrect.
Those who were having one of the designations but left the party, will join back when they realize that the effect of seceding is bad.
0530. உழைப்பிரிந்து காரணத்தின் வந்தானை வேந்தன்
இழைத்திருந்து எண்ணிக் கொளல்
King should receive but analyze those who left
unreasonably and return with a reason
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The ruler should do the needful to those who are returning back
with a reason after having left the circle without a reason, but then should patiently analyze.
having left the family for money, but then should completely analyze.
இழைத்திருந்து எண்ணிக் கொளல்
King should receive but analyze those who left
unreasonably and return with a reason
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The ruler should do the needful to those who are returning back
with a reason after having left the circle without a reason, but then should patiently analyze.
The family-members should happily welcome those who are returning back for money after having left the family for money, but then should completely analyze.
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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