பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 007 - புதல்வரைப் பெறுதல்
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 007 - Having Children
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 007 - Having Children
0061. பெறுமவற்றுள் யாமறிவது இல்லை அறிவறிந்த
மக்கட்பேறு அல்ல பிற
Among the obtainable endows, having
wise children is superior
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Among all the endows one can obtain, there is nothing
superior than having the wise children.
efficient thought process.
0062. எழுபிறப்பும் தீயவை தீண்டா பழிபிறங்காப்
பண்புடை மக்கட் பெறின்
Having "obliging children" save us
from evil in all births
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If we have obliging children who are blameless, no evil
will reach us in any of our births.
in any of the music-notes.
0063. தம்பொருள் என்பதம் மக்கள் அவர்பொருள்
தம்தம் வினையான் வரும்
Our asset is our children, which
is determined by our deeds
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Our children are considered as our asset; and that
asset is decided based on our deeds.
0064. அமிழ்தினும் ஆற்ற இனிதேதம் மக்கள்
சிறுகை அளாவிய கூழ்
Food blended by our children's hand
tastes sweeter than nectar
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "colloidal-food" that is blended by the soft-hands of
our children, will taste sweeter than the nectar.
sufferings into tiny.
0065. மக்கள்மெய் தீண்டல் உடற்கின்பம் மற்றுஅவர்
சொற்கேட்டல் இன்பம் செவிக்கு
Hugging our children delight our body;
hearing delight our ear
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Hugging our children gives the delight to our body; and
hearing their speech is the delight to ear.
of entire society.
0066. குழல்இனிது யாழ்இனிது என்பதம் மக்கள்
மழலைச்சொல் கேளா தவர்
Only those don't listen children's lalliation
will laud tube and lyre
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Only those who do not listen the lalliation of their
children, will say that the music arises from the tools such as tube and lyre are
live by doing crime and unethical deeds.
0067. தந்தை மகற்குஆற்றும் நன்றி அவையத்து
முந்தி யிருப்பச் செயல்
A father should grow his children
to lead the assembly
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Growing his children to lead the assembly from front,
is the ultimate goodness - a father can grant to them.
his countrymen.
0068. தம்மின்தம் மக்கள் அறிவுடைமை மாநிலத்து
மன்னுயிர்க் கெல்லாம் இனிது
The wisdom of our children makes
all lives more happier
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If our children possess wisdom; all the lives in the world
will feel more happy than ourselves.
than the leaders.
0070. மகன் தந்தைக்கு ஆற்றும்உதவி இவன்தந்தை
என்னோற்றான் கொல்எனும் சொல்
Children's obligatory is to make sure
their father is praised
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The obligatory of children is to make others to amaze
like "What kind of fasting their father would have observed (to have such children)?"
their ruler would have received (to have such people)?"
மக்கட்பேறு அல்ல பிற
Among the obtainable endows, having
wise children is superior
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Among all the endows one can obtain, there is nothing
superior than having the wise children.
Among the ways to enhance the life, there is nothing greater than the virtue of anefficient thought process.
0062. எழுபிறப்பும் தீயவை தீண்டா பழிபிறங்காப்
பண்புடை மக்கட் பெறின்
Having "obliging children" save us
from evil in all births
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If we have obliging children who are blameless, no evil
will reach us in any of our births.
If an orchestra have talented musicians who are faultless, no imperfection can occurin any of the music-notes.
தம்தம் வினையான் வரும்
Our asset is our children, which
is determined by our deeds
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Our children are considered as our asset; and that
asset is decided based on our deeds.
Our activities can confirm our discipline; and that discipline is refined through ourthought-process.
0064. அமிழ்தினும் ஆற்ற இனிதேதம் மக்கள்
சிறுகை அளாவிய கூழ்
Food blended by our children's hand
tastes sweeter than nectar
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "colloidal-food" that is blended by the soft-hands of
our children, will taste sweeter than the nectar.
A little solace received from the heart our relatives, will convert the "mountain-like"sufferings into tiny.
0065. மக்கள்மெய் தீண்டல் உடற்கின்பம் மற்றுஅவர்
சொற்கேட்டல் இன்பம் செவிக்கு
Hugging our children delight our body;
hearing delight our ear
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Hugging our children gives the delight to our body; and
hearing their speech is the delight to ear.
Taking care of health is the wealth of our family; and taking care of soul is the wealthof entire society.
மழலைச்சொல் கேளா தவர்
Only those don't listen children's lalliation
will laud tube and lyre
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Only those who do not listen the lalliation of their
children, will say that the music arises from the tools such as tube and lyre are
Only those who could not have zealous to pursue ethics, will say that it is correct tolive by doing crime and unethical deeds.
0067. தந்தை மகற்குஆற்றும் நன்றி அவையத்து
முந்தி யிருப்பச் செயல்
A father should grow his children
to lead the assembly
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Growing his children to lead the assembly from front,
is the ultimate goodness - a father can grant to them.
Making his citizens to be the best in world, is the great duty - a leader can render tohis countrymen.
0068. தம்மின்தம் மக்கள் அறிவுடைமை மாநிலத்து
மன்னுயிர்க் கெல்லாம் இனிது
The wisdom of our children makes
all lives more happier
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If our children possess wisdom; all the lives in the world
will feel more happy than ourselves.
If the volunteers become better leaders; all the people of a country will benefit morethan the leaders.
0069. ஈன்ற பொழுதிற் பெரிதுவக்கும் தன்மகனைச்
சான்றோன் எனக்கேட்ட தாய்
When children are called as scholars;
mother feels happier
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A mother will feel happier than the time when she gave
birth - on hearing others say that her children are scholars.
first call as "Daddy" by his children.
சான்றோன் எனக்கேட்ட தாய்
When children are called as scholars;
mother feels happier
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: A mother will feel happier than the time when she gave
birth - on hearing others say that her children are scholars.
A father will feel happier than the time when they were conceived - on hearing thefirst call as "Daddy" by his children.
0070. மகன் தந்தைக்கு ஆற்றும்உதவி இவன்தந்தை
என்னோற்றான் கொல்எனும் சொல்
Children's obligatory is to make sure
their father is praised
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The obligatory of children is to make others to amaze
like "What kind of fasting their father would have observed (to have such children)?"
The encouragement of public is to make others to praise like "What kind of boontheir ruler would have received (to have such people)?"
Link: Explanation in Tamil
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