பால்: 1 - அறம்; இயல்: 02 - இல்லறவியல்; அதிகாரம்: 009 - விருந்தோம்பல்
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 009 - Hospitality
Division: 1 - Ethics; Section: 02 - Family Ethics; Chapter: 009 - Hospitality
0081. இருந்தோம்பி இல்வாழ்வ தெல்லாம் விருந்தோம்பி
வேளாண்மை செய்தற் பொருட்டு
Purpose of family-life, we live,
is to serve guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The real purpose of family-life is to protect what we
have, and serve our guests to fulfill their needs.
establish the mankind.
0082. விருந்து புறத்ததாத் தானுண்டல் சாவா
மருந்தெனினும் வேண்டற்பாற் றன்று
Even ambrosia shouldn't be eaten alone,
while guests wait outside
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is undesirable to eat alone, even if it is ambrosia,
while the guests are waiting outside the dining hall.
people do not even have a hut.
0083. வருவிருந்து வைகலும் ஓம்புவான் வாழ்க்கை
பருவந்து பாழ்படுதல் இன்று
Who cheerfully do hospitality everyday,
never fail in life
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The life of those who receive guests everyday and
cheerfully do hospitality, will never get distress and failure.
never be upset by any failure.
0084. அகனமர்ந்து செய்யாள் உறையும் முகனமர்ந்து
நல்விருந்து ஓம்புவான் இல்
Goddess will happily live in the house of
those happily treat the guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "Goddess of wealth (Lakshmi)" will happily live in
the house of those who appreciably treat their guests with a smile in the face.
best thought-process to trigger the readers' thirst to search.
0085. வித்தும் இடல்வேண்டும் கொல்லோ விருந்தோம்பி
மிச்சில் மிசைவான் புலம்
Does seeding require, in field of those
who eat after guests?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Does intentional seeding is required, in the field of
those who eat the remaining after their guests are dined?
needs of their family members?
0086. செல்விருந்து ஓம்பி வருவிருந்து பார்த்திருப்பான்
நல்வருந்து வானத் தவர்க்கு
Who await for guests after serving few,
will be best guest to heaven
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have served the available guests and await
for further guests to come, will become the best guest to the gods living in heaven.
diseases, are the best examples to others living on earth.
0087. இனைத்துணைத் தென்பதொன் றில்லை விருந்தின்
துணைத்துணை வேள்விப் பயன்
There is no limit in doing hospitality;
it depends on guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: There is no certain limit to do hospitality; it is actually
depend on the nature of the guests.
zealous of an individual.
0088. பரிந்தோம்பிப் பற்றற்றேம் என்பர் விருந்தோம்பி
வேள்வி தலைப்படா தார்
Who don't do hospitality will loose
their desire on wealth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not serve hospitality, will declare later
that they have lost the desire with their accumulated wealth.
with their beloved life.
0090. மோப்பக் குழையும் அனிச்சம் முகந்திரிந்து
நோக்கக் குழையும் விருந்து
Flowers shrivel on olfaction; unkind
hospitality dejects the guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Some characteristic flowers shrivel on olfaction.
Similarly, the guests get dejected on noticing people doing hospitality with unkind
noticing the activities of untrue people.
வேளாண்மை செய்தற் பொருட்டு
Purpose of family-life, we live,
is to serve guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The real purpose of family-life is to protect what we
have, and serve our guests to fulfill their needs.
The actual duty of life-time is to maintain our health, and secure the humane toestablish the mankind.
0082. விருந்து புறத்ததாத் தானுண்டல் சாவா
மருந்தெனினும் வேண்டற்பாற் றன்று
Even ambrosia shouldn't be eaten alone,
while guests wait outside
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: It is undesirable to eat alone, even if it is ambrosia,
while the guests are waiting outside the dining hall.
It is indignity for the ruler to occupy alone, even if it is a diamond-palace, while thepeople do not even have a hut.
பருவந்து பாழ்படுதல் இன்று
Who cheerfully do hospitality everyday,
never fail in life
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The life of those who receive guests everyday and
cheerfully do hospitality, will never get distress and failure.
Those who do not compromise in pursuing ethics in whatever deed they do, willnever be upset by any failure.
0084. அகனமர்ந்து செய்யாள் உறையும் முகனமர்ந்து
நல்விருந்து ஓம்புவான் இல்
Goddess will happily live in the house of
those happily treat the guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The "Goddess of wealth (Lakshmi)" will happily live in
the house of those who appreciably treat their guests with a smile in the face.
The "God of creation (Bramha)" will bless the creators, whose creations reveal thebest thought-process to trigger the readers' thirst to search.
0085. வித்தும் இடல்வேண்டும் கொல்லோ விருந்தோம்பி
மிச்சில் மிசைவான் புலம்
Does seeding require, in field of those
who eat after guests?
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Does intentional seeding is required, in the field of
those who eat the remaining after their guests are dined?
Do one need to teach ethics, to those who think about themselves after fulfilling theneeds of their family members?
நல்வருந்து வானத் தவர்க்கு
Who await for guests after serving few,
will be best guest to heaven
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who have served the available guests and await
for further guests to come, will become the best guest to the gods living in heaven.
Those who have cured the obtained disease and work on to prevent the futurediseases, are the best examples to others living on earth.
0087. இனைத்துணைத் தென்பதொன் றில்லை விருந்தின்
துணைத்துணை வேள்விப் பயன்
There is no limit in doing hospitality;
it depends on guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: There is no certain limit to do hospitality; it is actually
depend on the nature of the guests.
There is no scale to measure the ethics of being sincere; it is really defined by thezealous of an individual.
0088. பரிந்தோம்பிப் பற்றற்றேம் என்பர் விருந்தோம்பி
வேள்வி தலைப்படா தார்
Who don't do hospitality will loose
their desire on wealth
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not serve hospitality, will declare later
that they have lost the desire with their accumulated wealth.
Those who do not practice humane, will conclude that they have lost the bondingwith their beloved life.
0089. உடைமையுள் இன்மை விருந்தோம்பல் ஓம்பா
மடமை மடவார்கண் உண்டு
Having wealth but not doing hospitality
is the ignorance of goofs
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: There available a "poverty" called ignorance with the
goofs, who have wealth but do not do hospitality.
could not rational the beliefs.
மடமை மடவார்கண் உண்டு
Having wealth but not doing hospitality
is the ignorance of goofs
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: There available a "poverty" called ignorance with the
goofs, who have wealth but do not do hospitality.
There exists an "arrogance" called superstition with the theists, who have piety butcould not rational the beliefs.
0090. மோப்பக் குழையும் அனிச்சம் முகந்திரிந்து
நோக்கக் குழையும் விருந்து
Flowers shrivel on olfaction; unkind
hospitality dejects the guests
Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Some characteristic flowers shrivel on olfaction.
Similarly, the guests get dejected on noticing people doing hospitality with unkind
Children get depressed when they are hungry. Similarly, true people get suffered onnoticing the activities of untrue people.
Link: Explanation in Tamil