Thursday 25 October 2018

Kural Number: 0814 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 10 - நட்பியல்; அதிகாரம்: 082 - தீ நட்புகுறள் எண்: 0814}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 082 - Evil Friendship; Kural Number: 0814}

அமரகத்து ஆற்றறுக்கும் கல்லாமா அன்னார்
தமரின் தனிமை தலை

Solitude is primary than the people resembling the
untrained horse that abandon in battlefield

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Solitude is primary than the friendship of those who are like the untrained horse, which push down and abandon the soldier in battlefield!
Slavery is superior than the regime of those who are like the chemical fertilizer, which weaken and destroy the farmer in agriculture!

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Kural Number: 0813 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 10 - நட்பியல்; அதிகாரம்: 082 - தீ நட்புகுறள் எண்: 0813}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 082 - Evil Friendship; Kural Number: 0813}

உறுவது சீர்தூக்கும் நட்பும் பெறுவது
கொள்வாரும் கள்வரும் நேர்

Friendship that estimates benefit, People who
minds getting, and thieves are alike

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Friends who befriend by estimating the Benefit/Sex-workers who earn by investing the Lust/Thieves who seize by triggering the Fear - These are on par to each other!
Rulers who rule by destructing the Rights/Builders who build by destroying the Agriculture/Those who protect self by destroying the Universality - These are equal to each other!

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Kural Number: 0812 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 10 - நட்பியல்; அதிகாரம்: 082 - தீ நட்புகுறள் எண்: 0812}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 082 - Evil Friendship; Kural Number: 0812}

உறின்நட்டு அறின்ஒரூஉம் ஒப்பிலார் கேண்மை
பெறினும் இழப்பினும் என்

What if friendship of undue people, who befriends
for benefit or depart, be got or lost

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What is the difference in getting or losing the friendship of those; who do not have the factor called friendship, and befriend when beneficial & break when not!
What is the difference in being or changing the regime of those; who do not know the basic of democracy, and revere when vote is needed & shoot when not!

Monday 22 October 2018

Kural Number: 0811 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 10 - நட்பியல்; அதிகாரம்: 082 - தீ நட்புகுறள் எண்: 0810}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 082 - Evil Friendship; Kural Number: 0811}

பருகுவார் போலினும் பண்பிலார் கேண்மை
பெருகலிற் குன்றல் இனிது

Though absorbing; friendship of those haven't
quality, be reduced than developed

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Though someone may look absorbing us with love, if there is not the quality called friendship; it is beneficial that their friendship be reduced rather developed!
Though someone may look making us live with subsidy, if there is not the leadership called integrity; it is superior that their regime is broken than continued!

Sunday 21 October 2018

Chapter 081: Acquaintance (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

பால்: 2 - பொருள்; இயல்: 10 - நட்பியல்;  அதிகாரம்: 081 - பழைமை
Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 081 - Acquaintance

0801.  பழைமை எனப்படுவது யாதெனின் யாதும்
           கிழமையைக் கீழ்த்திடா நட்பு

           Definition of acquaintance is the friendship
           that don't inferior any rights

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Admiring the acquaintance in friendship is, not to criticize the 
           errors done with the rights resulted from the acquaintance, in a substandard manner!
           Establishing the rights in relationship, is not to consider the violations done with the freedom 
           obtained from the rights, as problems!

0802.  நட்பிற்கு உறுப்புக் கெழுதகைமை மற்றதற்கு
           உப்பாதல் சான்றோர் கடன்

           Custom of friendship is sharing rights; and
           duty of scholars is to support it

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The custom of old friendship is to share the rights! And the duty 
           of scholars who realized the acquaintance is, to being the support to it!
           The best of honest regime is to grow the humane! And the job of voters who realized the 
           honesty is, to being the seed to it!

0803.  பழகிய நட்பெவன் செய்யுங் கெழுதகைமை
           செய்தாங்கு அமையாக் கடை

           What can oldest friendship do, by not
           matching those done with rights?

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: What benefit can the oldest friendship give, if not agreed to 
           disagreed things; when they are done with the rights based on longtime socialization?
           How can the traditional company be expand, if not practice the unaccustomed businesses; 
           when they are referred with the experience based on longtime work?

0804.  விழைதகையான் வேண்டி இருப்பர் கெழுதகையாற்
           கேளாது நட்டார் செயின்

           By right, if friends do without referring,
           others bear it for desirability

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who realize the glory of acquaintance will bear the 
           unwilling actions of friends; done without referring them, in the rights of longtime 
           Those who know the economic need will accept the incorrect decisions of managers; taken 
           without discussing them, in the rights of longtime employment!

0805.  பேதைமை ஒன்றோ பெருங்கிழமை என்றுணர்க
           நோதக்க நட்டார் செயின்

           Only ignorance? Feel that it is great right,
           if friends do regrettable

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: If friends do regrettable deeds, can ignorance be the only 
           reason? Rather, understand that it is because of the great-rights resulted from acquaintance!
           If the politicians do tyranny rule, can authority be the only factor? Rather, let us realize that 
           having voted reasoning that it is old party, is the factor!

0806.  எல்லைக்கண் நின்றார் துறவார் தொலைவிடத்தும்
           தொல்லைக்கண் நின்றார் தொடர்பு

           Those who stand at boundary, won’t disconnect
           the old friendship for giving trouble

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who follow the limitation of friendship; will never 
           abandon the contact of someone been in longtime friendship, even if they become 
           Those who respect the magnificence of relationship; will never forget the remembrance of 
           someone provided good regime for longtime, even if they demise from earth!

அழிவந்த செய்யினும் அன்பறார் அன்பின்
           வழிவந்த கேண்மை யவர்

           Friends who follow love, won’t detach love
           even on doing destructive things

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who maintain an old friendship based on love; will not 
           detach the love even if anyone do the actions, based on destruction!
           Those who love the birth-place based on rights; will not lose the rights even if anyone do the 
           partitions, based on language!

0808.  கேளிழுக்கம் கேளாக் கெழுதகைமை வல்லார்க்கு
           நாளிழுக்கம் நட்டார் செயின்

           For mighty old friends, who don't listen friends'
           defect, day that friends err is useful

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: For those who realize the acquaintance, and do not care when 
           others point the defects of friends; the day on which friends do mistake, is also an useful day!
           For parents who know the life, and do not exaggerate when others criticize the errors of 
           children; the day on which children do error, is also a complete day!

0809.  கெடாஅ வழிவந்த கேண்மையார் கேண்மை
           விடாஅர் விழையும் உலகு

           World praises those not abandon the friendship
           of friends, which continues without ruin

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: The world will praise those who do not abandon the friendship 
           of friends, which continue for longtime without losing the acquaintance!
           The society will worship those who do not forget the womanhood of women, which continue 
           for generations without breaking the dynasty!

0810.  விழையார் விழையப் படுப பழையார்கண்
           பண்பின் தலைப்பிரியா தார்

           Who don’t change character with old friends,
           will be liked by those who unliked

           Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not change the friendship factor called 
           acquaintance, with the old friends; will be liked even by the enemies who did not like their 
           Those who do not detach the relationship chain called generation, with the dynasty-relations; 
           will be connected even by the relationships who did not love their family!

Kural Number: 0810 (Vizhiyappan's Translation)

{பால்: 2 - பொருட்பால்; இயல்: 10 - நட்பியல்; அதிகாரம்: 081 - பழைமைகுறள் எண்: 0810}
{Division: 2 - Wealth; Section: 10 - Nature of Friendship; Chapter: 081 - Acquaintance; Kural Number: 0810}

விழையார் விழையப் படுப பழையார்கண்
பண்பின் தலைப்பிரியா தார்

Who don’t change character with old friends,
will be liked by those who unliked

Vizhiyappan's Commentary: Those who do not change the friendship factor called acquaintance, with the old friends; will be liked even by the enemies who did not like their friendship!
Those who do not detach the relationship chain called generation, with the dynasty-relations; will be connected even by the relationships who did not love their family!